Three Steps to Hell

Three Steps to Hell Read Online Free PDF

Book: Three Steps to Hell Read Online Free PDF
Author: Mike Holman
when he got out the car.”
    “So why were you on foot when you got picked up last night Paul?”
    “I was in such a panic I forgot I was low on fuel, I ran out of petrol about a mile from home so I was just walking back from where I left the car. I can show you where it is.”
    Tom continued to talk to Dorsey to try and determine whether Evans had given any clue as to what had actually happened. Dorsey was insistent that Evans had refused to talk about where he had been or why or by whom he had been stabbed. Once Tom had got as much information as he could he showed Dorsey to the front foyer and quickly briefed a Uniformed Officer who was to go with Dorsey to the car, examine the car and then have a snoop round in the lay-by by the phone box and arrange for a scenes of crime examination if necessary.
    Tom was getting more and more intrigued about Evans’ misfortune and was quite pleased to find that it was a fairly quiet day on the crime front which would allow him time to delve further. Before returning to the CID office to brief his own staff and the DI, he made a fairly lengthy entry in the station occurrence book in order that other Officers could brief themselves as to what had happened. Tom was a great believer in the effectiveness of the occurrence book. Officers would often see things that appeared to be of little relevance during their patrols. However, upon reading the occurrence book they would occasionally find themselves in possession of important information in relation to offences or enquiries being dealt with by CID or other departments. On occasions these snippets of information had proven to be vital missing pieces of a complex puzzle.

    Just after 10.30am Wayne Evans dragged himself out of bed and into the kitchen to have breakfast. He moved about cautiously and grimaced with pain from the area of his stomach wounds. Although the bandages did give reasonable support in restricting movement, twisting or bending was very painful. The pain wasn’t as bad as he’d expected, the hospital had provided him with some fairly strong painkillers and strict instructions to take it very easy for a couple of weeks. He shared a small rented two bedroomed 1950’s terraced house in a scruffy part of town with his girlfriend Sue. She had reluctantly left at 7.50am as normal to walk to the bakers where she worked as a counter assistant. She always started at 8.00am and finished at 4.00pm. Sue wanted to take a few days off to look after him but he was most insistent that he didn’t want her there. She rarely argued, deep down she was quite scared of him and knew his tempers well. On the whole she did what she was told. Sue was from a good, caring and fairly wealthy family. Her parents could never understand why she had got involved with Evans or what she saw in him. Sue wouldn’t admit it but there had been many occasions recently when she questioned her own judgement in respect of Wayne. Her parents tolerated her relationship from a distance, as they didn’t want to alienate themselves from a daughter they loved so dearly. They hoped and prayed it was a passing phase.
    Wayne made himself a strong black coffee and two slices of toast and marmite. He cautiously manoeuvred himself from the kitchen into their small dining room and lowered himself gently onto a chair, screwing his eyes up tight and holding his breath expectantly awaiting imminent pain. He had been in many fights in his time, mostly pub brawls, was generally proud of his ability to look after himself but this had frightened him more than he cared to admit. Those bastards meant to kill me, this is big league stuff, he thought to himself as he took cautious sips of hot coffee. He had always fancied himself as becoming a big league criminal but hadn’t expected a near fatal introduction.
    Whilst reflecting on his narrow escape he heard a sound he recognised as a powerful motorcycle pulling up outside. The engine stopped and he heard a knock at the
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