Three Parts Fey

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Book: Three Parts Fey Read Online Free PDF
Author: Viola Grace
Tags: Magic, vampire, demon, Shifter, mage, lion, fey, xia
Smith and Argyle were a little clawed up, but
otherwise fine. Tremble gave Miss Agatha a business card and
gestured for Benny to get back in the SUV.
    She slid into
her spot next to the computer and keyed in their completion of the
dispatch order. Once they were confirmed as back on duty, the
screen refreshed and the guys piled in.
    “So, how did
you know that the call was fake?” Smith was keeping his voice
    “I wasn’t sure,
but I have met Agatha, and she is not the type to sob
uncontrollably.” Benny watched the screen and she identified
another position. “Sixteenth and Harcourt. A neighbourhood party
has turned into a brawl. Goblin and giant.”
    The guys
groaned, and they started to loosen up in preparation for the
    It was quite
the start to her first day.

Chapter Five
    Giant drinking songs
were not for the faint of heart, but since the fight had broken up
before Smith had gotten them there, it was a good sign.
relationships with the community were sometimes tense, but tonight,
Benny played rock-paper-scissors with one of the goblin children.
She had to play it two handed, and it was best three out of five.
She lost and rubbed the goblin at the base of her skull for a few
    Argyle was
having an in-depth conversation with the combatants, and Smith was
answering questions on what it meant to be a shifter.
    Tremble was
staying at a polite distance from the goblins. Not all of the fey
got along with them, and it was better for him not to cause an
admonishing the group to keep things to community standards, they
returned to their vehicle.
    Benny filed
them as complete, and the system refreshed again.
    As they pulled
away from the gathering, she sighed. “Stop.”
    Smith stopped
the vehicle, and Benny got out. She untied the balloon from the
antenna and walked it back to the laughing giants. “Here you
    She winked and
headed back to the SUV. The laughter increased in volume, and she
didn’t glance back.
    She slid into
the car again and buckled up. “It wouldn’t do to have a hot pink
balloon on the antenna.”
    She heard
giggling, but she didn’t look around. “Next call is up on
Gravemercy Way. We have an unlicensed rising. The mages should take
it, but they are bogged down. They won’t make it in time to stop
it, and we need to stop it.”
    Smith hit the
gas, and she confirmed that they were on their way.
    “Gentlemen, we
have a student necromancer attempting to raise her twin. The twin
died in a drinking incident at the school, and it has taken Miaka
this long to gain the necessary spells in order to raise him.”
    Argyle grunted.
“I have to hang back.”
    “Of course.
That is the one kind of magic you are sensitive to.”
    “I will be
there if the ghoul rises. Even if she manages to put in both soul
and consciousness, the degradation will have caused some rather
nasty changes.” He was grim. “If he rises, I will come in fast and
question him later.”
    Smith nodded.
“We are going in to...”
    “We need to
hold down the necromancer. Stop the power and keep her engaged
until the mages can come to collect her. Just restraint. No blood.
The blood of a new necromancer is one of the easier methods of
controlling the undead.” Benny grimaced. “But only after her first
rising and before her locking in her power. If any of the dark
mages know what is going on, they are going to be out for her
    Tremble sighed.
“Why couldn’t this just be simple?”
    Benny grinned
and put the computer away after sending the confirmation of arrival
    She flexed her
fingers. “This is where I earn my keep.”
    Argyle handed
her a set of cuffs. “You forgot to take yours off your last
    Benny sighed.
“Sorry. There is so much I need to get used to.”
    The last flecks
of sunset disappeared. Benny adjusted her eyesight and nodded to
Smith and Tremble.
    She left the
vehicle and felt for the magic. It flared and popped all over
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