Three Days of Night

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Book: Three Days of Night Read Online Free PDF
Author: Tracey H. Kitts
a place full of wrong hands, it’s Tarnak. Let me go take care of this.” I glanced over my shoulder at Morgan. “Let me take Morgan with me. If he’s crazy enough to jump too, then I could use the help. Besides, I don’t want to have to wear the jet pack. His suit is better equipped for something like this.”
    His expression was grave. “The suit is designed to withstand the heat, but you’ll need a parachute. What about the shields?”
    “They aren’t designed to keep out anything as small as a person. We’ll be fine.”
    “They’re probably getting ready to auction off his dick to the highest bidder,” Morgan said. “We should hurry.”
    I turned to face him, pulling back my long hair at the same time. “I’m waiting on you.”
    My hair nearly reached to my butt, so it wasn’t easy to secure. But, with Bob’s help, I got the job done. The android and I went to the back of the ship and waited for Morgan. All I had left to do was put on the hood. I hated that part. I was already close to hyperventilating. Stupid, I know, since vampires don’t even need to breathe. The fact is I was claustrophobic before I became a vampire and that phobia didn’t disappear with my death. You know how people think that becoming a vampire will make them all-powerful and sexy and they’ll never be afraid of anything again? Well, that’s bullshit. You’re still you, just re-vamped for lack of a better term.
    “It’s all right, darling, you’re not going to die,” Bob said softly. He was standing in front of me, ready to pull down the hood at my signal.
    Bob was such a comfort to me most of the time. I’d had him commissioned as a companion, not necessarily a romantic one, though he had been that in the past too. I just needed someone to keep me company, someone who wouldn’t die on me. He could calculate my statistics, understand my words and know the meaning of them. But he could never truly understand how I feel.
    “All right,” I said, trying to calm down. “Just do it.”
    “There is a translator in your left pocket, in case you are still on planet after dark. Until then as you know, there is one inside this hood. It’s programmed with every language that might be spoken on—”
    “Just do it.” My voice was harsher than I’d intended. “Sorry.” I put my hand flat against his chest. I felt a strange sadness and a kinship of sorts when I didn’t feel a heartbeat.
    “Here goes.”
    He pulled the hood down over my head and I fought the urge to gasp for air. There were slots for my eyes and mouth and two tiny holes for my nose which were covered over with mesh. Anything more would allow in sunlight. My eyes would be covered with goggles and my mouth would be covered by a small device that could, if necessary, disguise my voice. Mostly the mouthpiece was there so that people could hear me when I spoke, but I also used it to take deep breaths so I wouldn’t faint. Yes, vampires can faint. It’s purely psychological, but it can happen.
    Morgan came walking through the door looking completely unfazed by the whole thing. He was wearing full body armor this time. The tight leather suit underneath was fitted with a second layer, also black, that would withstand not only entering the planet’s atmosphere, but just about anything else. He was wearing his usual mask that covered just his eyes and he had a helmet tucked underneath his arm.
    He smiled at me and I forgot all about being afraid. What was happening to me? Mortal men were a big no-no. I had already learned that the hard way. Wizard ancestry might make him live longer than most, but someday Morgan Jefferies would die. He would pass on, and unless someone put a stake through my heart and cut off my head at the same time, I would remain. Best to shake loose from any emotional attachment now, before I really got hurt.
    That was definitely what I should be doing. But when I looked at him, I just wanted to brush that stray hair back from his
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