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Book: TheBurnList Read Online Free PDF
Author: Julia Devlin
swallowed hard, trying to grasp the knowledge that Lukas
Marlow considered her desirable. She couldn’t quite make herself believe it. In
a soft whisper she asked, “So you’re not just being nice?”
    He chuckled, a low, lazy sound that sent a jolt of
excitement through her. “If you had even an inkling of all the kinky things
I’ve been thinking about doing to you, that would be the last question on your
    Hope, and what might be a tiny seedling of confidence,
bloomed in her chest.
    For now, he was hers.
    Oh, she didn’t harbor any delusions, she understood this was
temporary. But how many women got the chance to live out their fantasy with the
object of those fantasies? Not many.
    No matter how uncomfortable. No matter how scary. She was
going for it.
    The waiter returned with their wine, and Lukas pulled away
from her to nod at the bottle. She attempted to pay attention to the server,
but Lukas’ fingers kept sliding up and down her bare shoulder as he went
through the tasting and pouring ritual.
    He wanted her. He really wanted her. Unable to help
herself a smile slid over her lips as she chanted the words in her head in time
with his hand brushing over her skin.
    The waiter left and Lukas leaned close and nipped her
earlobe so she jumped. “What’s that smile for?”
    She shrugged, picking up her wineglass and taking a sip of
the smoky Italian red he’d ordered. It slid down her throat and warmed her
    “Tell me,” he insisted.
    “I’m just glad I don’t have to start all over.” And that
you want me .
    He laughed. “Careful, lavish compliments like that will give
me a big head.”
    The tight muscles in her neck loosened, and as she took
another sip of the delicious wine, she looked him up and down. All gorgeous and
dangerous in his French-cut white button-down dress shirt. She grinned. “I’m
certain your head is plenty big.”
    He grinned right back. “Let’s talk about this list of
    Ugh! Just when she was starting to get her footing, he had
to bring that up? She buried her face in her hands. “Do we have to?”
    “Yes.” Amusement rang clear in his tone. His large hand
began to rub her neck. “Let’s start with number one.”
    She shook her head, wanting the floor to open up and swallow
her. What had possessed her to put such embarrassing things in writing?
    Oh right, her quest to become an adventurous wild woman. Dumb.
    “Have you ever had an orgasm? Or have you just not come with
a man?” He found a knot in her muscles and kneaded the spot in slow circles. It
would have felt marvelous if not for the humiliating question on the table.
    She looked up at the ceiling decorated with large, intricate
tiles. “You’re not really going to make me go through with this, are you? Can’t
you…” She waved her hand in the air. “Take care of it and call it a day?”
    He laughed. “Nope. Sorry, Abby.”
    “But why?” Was it really necessary to embarrass her?
    One dimple flashed as he smiled. “That’s easy. You asked me
    “I most certainly did not,” she sputtered, putting down her
glass so she didn’t spill it in her shock. Where’d he get such a crazy idea?
    “Oh yes you did.”
    “I never said anything about wanting to play true
    “You want to be handled.”
    She furrowed her brow. “That’s not what I meant.”
    “Oh?” His fingers continued their slow, almost lazy perusal,
dropping to the curve of her neck then sliding back up again. “And what did you
mean, Abby?”
    She opened her mouth then snapped it shut. What had she
meant? She licked her dry lips. “Um, I don’t know. Aggressive? Maybe?”
    “Your list has a theme, little girl.”
    For some odd reason her heartbeat kicked up. “No it
    His hand slid back up to her nape. “I can assure you, you’re
wrong. You’re full of surprises, Abby. I’d never have guessed you have a taste
for domination.”
    “I do not!” She didn’t even know what that
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