accident, they were more like twins, secretive with a personal language of smirks, sneers, and murmurs that few could penetrate or tolerate for very long.
“There were some very fine Impressionist paintings in this room until a few years ago,” she said. “My brothers stole them, came up when no one was here but Felice, and sold them off for a pittance. I was furious. But I simply couldn’t get them back. I found out later they’d taken some of the silver as well.”
“That must have been very discouraging,” he said.
She laughed. “It certainly was. The tragedy is these things are gone forever and what did the boys get out of it? A drunken bash in Sausalito raided by the local police.”
Felice drifted in, silent, seemingly fragile and unsteady, yet efficiently cleared the plates. Marchent slipped out to pay “the girl,” and soon came back.
“Has Felice always been with you?” Reuben asked.
“Oh, yes, along with her son who died last year. He was the man of the place, of course. He managed everything. How he hated my brothers, but then they set fire to the guesthouse twice, and wrecked more than one car. I’ve hired a couple of men since but it never worked out. There’s no man on the place just now. Just old Mr. Galton, down the road, but he contracts for anything and everything we need. You might mention that in your article. Mr. Galton knows this house inside and out. He knows the forest, too. I’m taking Felice with me when I go. There’s nothing else to be done.”
She paused only long enough for Felice to bring in the dessert of raspberry sherry in crystal glasses.
“Felix brought Felice here from Jamaica,” she said, “along with a load of Jamaican curios and art. He was always coming through the door with some treasure—an Olmec statue, a colonial oil painting from Brazil, a mummified cat. Wait till you see the galleries and storerooms upstairs. There are tablets up there, ancient clay tablets by the boxful—.”
“Tablets, you mean actual ancient Mesopotamian tablets? You’re talking cuneiform, Babylon, all that?”
She laughed. “I certainly am.”
“That has to be priceless,” Reuben said. “And that would be worth a story in itself. I have to see those fragments. You will show them to me, won’t you? Look, I won’t put all this into the story. It would be too distracting. We want the house sold of course, but …”
“I’ll show you everything,” she said. “It’s a pleasure. Quite a surprising pleasure actually. It doesn’t all seem so impossible now that we’re talking about it.”
“Look, maybe I could be of assistance in some way, formally, or informally. I did a little time in the field during my summers at Berkeley,” he said. “My mother’s idea. She said if her boy wasn’t going to be a doctor, well, he had to be an educated man. She signed me up for several different trips.”
“And you liked that sort of thing.”
“I wasn’t patient enough for it,” he confessed. “But I did enjoy it. I got to spend some time at Çatal Höyük in Turkey—that’s one of the oldest sites in the world.”
“Oh, yes, I’ve been there,” she observed. “That is simply marvelous,” she said. Her face brightened. “And did you see Göbekli Tepe?”
“I did,” he said. “The summer before I left Berkeley, I went to Göbekli Tepe. I wrote a piece about it for a journal. Helped me get the job I have now. Seriously, I’d love to see all these treasures. I’d love to play some role in what happens, that is, if that’s what you want. How about a separate article, one that wouldn’t be published until everything was safely out of here, but you know, a piece on the heritage of Felix Nideck. Is that something you’d like?”
She reflected for a moment, her eyes very calm. “More than I can say,” she answered.
It was thrilling to see her interest. Celeste always cut him off when he talked about his archaeological adventures. “I mean, like, where did
Nancy Isenberg, Andrew Burstein
Alex McCord, Simon van Kempen