The Wizard Killer - Season One: A Post-Apocalyptic Fantasy Serial

The Wizard Killer - Season One: A Post-Apocalyptic Fantasy Serial Read Online Free PDF

Book: The Wizard Killer - Season One: A Post-Apocalyptic Fantasy Serial Read Online Free PDF
Author: Adam Dreece
Tags: adventure, Fantasy, serial, post-apocalpytic
lay back, still in the middle of the road, and gaze up at the late afternoon sky. Putting Randmon on my chest, I chuckle as he snuggles in. “Life’s not so bad.” I yawn, feeling the full weight of my exhaustion. Glancing to each side, I figure I’ll just catch a quick nap; it’s not like there’s anyone around.

episode nine

    There’s nothing like being wrenched from sublime slumber and thrust into the land of the awake by a boot to the face.
    As I roll over on the road, I feel hands trying to yank my shirt off my head. Getting to all fours, I glance up. There are three blurry forms moving about, at least one of them is laughing at me.
    I wipe my bloody face. My nose is just short of broken, but that won’t stop me from breaking each of theirs or worse.  
    As I get up, they spread out. One of them has her hands down and free, another’s got a knife, and third’s got their hands behind their back. They’re dressed in dark dusky pants, and matching hooded shirts that tied in the front. They’ve probably been working together for a bit, learned some lessons the hard way.
    One of them winds up for another kick. I start backing up, playing it as if I’m wobbly. I dart sideways and catch the leg, and though I want to twist and break it, my body has no idea what to do. Under the hood I see a blond haired woman with a scarred face. As I stand there like an idiot, she lands a punch to my jaw and I drop to my knees.
    She laughs and says something I don’t understand, then backs up.
    Looking up at her, I rub my jaw. A nibble of fruit and a slurp of water, and I let myself come undone. I see the trunk behind them. Glancing down, I confirm that my sword and pistol are missing. I’m furious with myself. “Nice job, idiot,” I mutter under my breath.  
    Studying them for a second, I realize they could have killed me in my sleep, but didn’t. Maybe they wanted to have some fun, maybe they’re looking for a new member of their crew.  
    Not having a better plan, I figure I might as well let them think that I’m done, and track them later. I drop to the ground and pretend I’ve passed out.  
    Through the thinnest of eye slits, I watch as they debate and then pick up my trunk and start walking off. Just as they start to pass out of sight, I panic. “Oh freaking Mother of Mercy, I don’t know how to track anymore!” Scrambling to my feet, I glance about for Randmon, whispering to him. He’s not here. Maybe he caught a ride on the trunk. For a second, I wonder if I just imagined him and then shake off the thought. I’ve got to get moving. It doesn’t take long for them to notice me.
    The tallest one of them immediately turns, their hands disappearing behind their back again. Frowning, I remember I didn’t get a peek at what that one’s hiding. It could be some real trouble. “Hey!” I yell at them, waving. Yeah, the crazy man wants more. No way I’m letting you guys leave me with absolutely nothing in the middle of this place.
    They start talking to each other as I slowly approach. I must look like a real prize: bloody shirt around my head, tanned skin, ratty beard, a mop of shoulder length hair, and wild, driven eyes. I wasn’t a threat when they ambushed me, and I’m sure they’re trying to figure out if I’m one now. Maybe they’re debating if I could be of some value. Just let me get a little closer, I’ll show you some value.
    As I walk towards them, the shortest one approaches. It’s not the leader, judging by the body language of the other two. I keep my hands palm up until I’m close enough to recognize it’s the blond. Like a kid bolting with a stolen prize, I knock her flat with my shoulder and dash past. I catch a glimpse of her head whipping around, a look of frustrated surprise on her face.  
    As the tall one pulls a small crossbow out, his hood slips back. The guy’s a real piece of work, broken nose and brown hair that looks like it was cut by a blind man with the shakes. I’m able
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