The Wedding Deal

The Wedding Deal Read Online Free PDF

Book: The Wedding Deal Read Online Free PDF
Author: Marie Kelly
    He had said a smile sitting on his lips, as she banged her fist on the desk.
    “Why, for god’s sake why?”
    She had cried in frustration, seeing the smile widen but not reaching his eyes which had flashed angrily.
    “Because of that family” he had answered, understanding coming on Tessa.
    “Oh my God, this is because of Andrew’s mother”
    Her voice aghast seeing the small smile on his lips, a cruel sneer.
    “I told her that I would have the last laugh, and that son of hers is a fool”
    He replied, an evil glint lighting his small eyes. Silent for a few seconds Tessa had pulled herself together, hating the man before her.
    “I will get a lawyer and have the money released myself”
    She had finally declared softly the anger in her voice just barely contained. The sound of her grandfather’s laugh had made her grit her teeth as she glared down on him.
    “According to MY lawyer, we could drag this out in the courts for at least six months – and I believe that the audit is next week.”
    Tessa had reeled back in shock, the realisation that she would not be able to make good her promise to Andrew hitting her. The memory of his suicide letter had filled her mind, along with the gut thumping fear of what he would do when he found out.
    There was no point arguing with her grandfather, many had tried and all had failed. John Jones had no kindness or charitable side to him, and trying to hold in the tears that she felt rushing to her eyes she had turned and started walking to the door.
    “I do however have an offer for you, which if you agree to it will see your friend get his money tomorrow and leave your inheritance untouched, and if you don’t will see me making a phone call and having the auditor out tomorrow instead”
    Tessa had stopped in mid stride, before turning and moving back to her grandfather her face a mixture of surprise and apprehension.
    “Sit down Tessa”
    He continued seeing how she had hovered indecisively beside him. Tessa speechlessly had done as she was told, her eyes watching the man before her.
    “Alexis Demitri, he and I have been discussing a deal for quite some time, but he has proven…difficult”
    He said his mouth tightening.
    “Smart man”
    Tessa had added, unable to hold back the comment, knowing how ruthless her grandfather was in business deals, knowing the underhand techniques he had used to in some cases to destroy other businesses and knowing that he was not bluffing about Andrew. She had seen the angry glint in his eye as he had continued.
    “I need certain mineral rights that only he can give me access to, but let’s just say that he is smarter than most”
    She could hear in his voice an almost reluctant respect for the man.
    “As fascinating as this is, what has any of this to do with me?”
    She had asked, a small feeling of dread, after her previous night’s conversation with Alexis filling her.
    “Well Tessa, it seems that Alexis took quite a shine to you”
    His eyes glowing brightly.
    “He liked you very much”
    “If you are taking to pimping out your family for the greater good of your business empire John, I suggest you stick with Marcie”
    She bit out at him, her tone low and dangerous, making him laugh loudly.
    “Well while I am sure it would be much easier with Marcie…… seems his tastes do not seem to run that way” he had said just as contemptuously.
    “He seems to like the more trashy type…I guess like mother, like daughter”
    His eyes had flicked over her with disdain. Tessa had once more felt the pang of pain stabbing at her from his words, remembering her mother. So beautiful and vivacious in life, she had lived that life to excess with too many men, too much drink and too many drugs. She had been a weak woman beaten down by the man before her, her mother‘s lifestyle causing many scandals. When she had died from a drug overdose when Tessa was only ten she had never forgiven or forgotten his only comment to her.
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