The Warlock Wandering
    "I don't remember your arrival." The General gave Rod a keen glance, -^
    Rod had a notion this man knew every single person who arrived on his planet—especially if he was, well, basically, warden. Of a planet-wide prison. And Rod and Gwen 28
    Christopher Stasheff

    weren't exactly inconspicuous. "We were, uh, stranded, General. Landed out in the middle of the plains. No way to get back home."
    Shacklar frowned. "I don't recall any report of a distress signal."
    "We couldn't transmit." So far. Rod hadn't really told any lies. He hoped it would last.
    It did. Shacklar gave him the keen glance again; he was definitely aware of the holes in the explanation; but he wasn't about to push them. "My sympathies. Just this moming, was it?"
    "Soon after dawn," Gwen explained. "We had scarcely collected ourselves when these..."
    She hesitated, and Shacklar supplied, "Wolmen. That's what they call themselves. Their ancestors were counterculture romantics, who fled Terra to live the life of the Noble Savage. They invented their own version of aboriginal culture, based largely on novels and screenplays." Well. That explained some of the more bizarre aspects.
    "I take it they discovered you almost immediately, and began to chase you?"
    "Aye. We did fly from them."
    Rod stiffened. Did she have to be so literal?
    Yes, she did, now that he thought of it. When the Wolman talked about them flying, now, Schacklar would assume he was speaking metaphorically. Very clever, his lady. He glowed with pride.
    Fortunately, the General didn't notice. He shook his head sadly. "Most unfortunate! My deepest regrets. But really, you see, by the terms of our agreement with the Wolmen, no colonist is supposed to be outside the Wall unless he's on official or commercial business, so you can understand why they would react in so precipitous a manner. And, truly, they did no harm—only enforced their rights under our treaty."
    "Aye, that is easily understood." Gwen shrugged. "I cannot truly blame them."
    "Most excellent." Shacklar beamed. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I must hear what the Scouting-Master wishes to say."
    He turned away. Gwen turned to Rod, speaking softly.
    "Doth he say that these people but play at being savages, my lord?"
    "No—but their ancestors did, so now they're stuck with it. But I get the feeling there was a real war when the Terran government decided to use this planet for a prison. Apparently they didn't consult the Wolmen first—and they resented it. Forcibly." He shrugged. "Can you blame them?" The General had turned now, facing them again. "The Scouting-Master understands your predicament, but nonetheless charges you with trespassing." He sighed. "Actually, he's shown a considerable amount of forbearance in this matter. He could have taken any number of more or less lethal measures against you, rather than merely herding you to the Wall, as he did."
    Gwen, did you know we were being herded?
    Nay—yet now, I can See it clearly enough.
    The General frowned, concerned. "What's the matter, old man? Hadn't you guessed you were being driven?"
    "As a matter of fact, I hadn't." Rod found himself smiling back in spite of himself. "Uh, ah—General, please convey my apologies and great thanks to the Scouting-Master."
    "Oh, you may convey them yourself, in just a moment!
    But, ah—" Shacklar looked down at the carpet, rubbing the tip of his nose with a forefinger. "I wouldn't truly recommend it. A simple apology and expression of thanks—no, the Scouting-Master would take it as a sign of weakness."
    "Oh." Rod pursed his lips. "I see. Exactly what form should the apology take?"
    "Precisely, Master Gallowglass." The General smiled warmly. "It's always a pleasure to deal with a man who understands the true nature of diplomacy!"
    "Does he want his diplomacy in gold, or Terran bills?" 30
    Christopher Stasheff

    "Gold would be pleasant, but I'm sure I.D.E. kwaher bills will
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