her own reaction. In those eyes she had seen for a few minutes a
friendly gleam that had dispelled the hard quality from the afternoon.
He had laughed, too, and although it had provoked her, she had to.
acknowledge that the sound had been good. With that laughter, a
smile had curved the corners of his well shaped lips, and it had not
been a cynical twist but a genuine smile.
These thoughts made her peep back at him with a tentative smile of
her own. He was still regarding her, this time with a thoughtful
expression on his lean features. 'Do you have the time to perhaps go
for a walk down the beach with me?' she invited diffidently.
One corner of his mouth quirked as she watched. 'So I can protect
you from the big black doggy?'
Laughing at him, she replied, 'Is that such a bad idea? No, I just
thought a walk would be nice.' Greg shot another one of those
piercing glances her way and instead of answering, turned and started
to stroll towards the water.
Sara stood with the camera bag dangling from one slim hand and felt
bereft as she watched him move away. He turned, saw her standing in
an undecided attitude with dark hair blowing around her small face,
and her large hazel eyes looking rather uncertain. A flash of white
streaked across his face quickly, startling her with its attractive
gleam, then was gone. 'You can leave your camera bag over in the
ferns while we walk,' he told her. 'It'll be quite safe there.'
Her eyes lit up, and she ran back to the treeline quickly, depositing
her bag and then running back. She didn't stop at his waiting figure
but continued past until she reached the water's edge. Prompted by
impulse, she bent and untied her shoes, stripping them and her socks
off quickly, rolling her jeans up to her knees.
Two long legs joined her as she stooped and she sent a quick smile
slanting up at Greg's watching eyes. 'I haven't been wading in the
water yet, and I've been here for a week,' she remarked in
explanation, and straightened. 'You could wade if you wanted to, and
it wouldn't hurt those nice slacks if you roll them up enough so that
they don't get wet.'
She didn't wait to see what he did but went into the cool water
without hesitation. The hard wet sand gave way to soft, silky, shifting
coolness, and she dug in her toes in appreciation. A wave crept up
and licked delicately around her feet, receding almost immediately.
Another came and lapped gently at her toes, and then another. She
chuckled with pleasure and walked farther into the water until she
was in up to her shins in a continuous push and pull from the ever-
continuing waves that swirled about. She walked back to the shallow
water, kicking over some stones, with her head bent to watch in the
fading light for pretty flashes of colour. When she reached the sandy
part of the wetness, past the row of small stones thrown up by waves,
she stooped suddenly and dug in with both hands into the sand.
Water crept up and touched her feet. She shot a sideways glance at
the bare, dark brown shins that joined her in the water, then squatted
back so that she could look up at Greg.
Her dark hair was falling like rain about her shoulders and over her
forehead, and she used one arm to try and push it back, still clutching
a handful of wet sand. He squatted with her and reached out one hand
to push the hair away from her face gently. She smiled a thanks and
dropped the sand, rinsing her hands quickly. 'Look,' she said softly,
as a wave curled again about their feet, barely reaching them as it
spent itself. She dug in again under the few inches of water and
squeezed the wet sand through her fingers. It oozed delightfully,
smooth and cool and very soft. 'Under the water everything's so
magical and wonderful. It's just like silk, so soft and smooth. It's as
fascinating as the bright glints of colour from the stones that flash
under the water in the sunlight. They never look half as good dry and