vampires, 143, 206, 295, 330, 337
Vanilla Sky (film), 322
Vatican, 56, 57, 91, 92, 103, 330–31
Venus, visitors from, 144–45
Ventura, Jesse, 296, 409
Vidal, Gore, The City and the Pillar, 79, 80, 360
Vietnam War, 159, 162, 163, 175, 256, 262–63, 265, 266, 270
Vincent, Harl, “Parasite,” 70
Wabanaki Indians, 32, 51
Wachowski, Andy and Lana, 323
Waco: Branch Davidians, 210–11, 213, 270, 276, 277, 279, 285, 286
Waco: The Rules of Engagement (film), 270
Waking Life (film), 322, 323
Waldeck, Rose, 80
Wallace, George, 246
Wallace, Henry, 138, 375
Wall Street Journal, The, 312
Walsh, Adam, 211
Wampanoag tribe, 25–27, 29, 36
Warnke, Mike, 209, 213, 216, 390
The Satan Seller, 201, 204–5
War of Jenkins’ Ear, 89
“War of the Worlds, The,” 19–22, 202, 232
War on Terror, 297, 299–307
Warren, Joseph, 110
Washington, George, 111, 115, 124, 151
Washington Post, The, 44, 45, 162, 166, 168, 174
Watergate, 163, 166, 172, 174, 246, 254, 261, 319, 216
Watts riots, 105–8
Wayland, Francis, 101
Wayne, Bob, 419
Wayne, John, 272, 273, 405
Weather Underground, 242
Weaver, Randy and Vicki, 208, 209–10
Weberman, A. J., Coup d’Etat in America , 168, 258
Webster, Nesta, 197–98, 199, 233, 234, 244, 336
Weed, Thurlow, 122
Weiner, Jonah, 329
Weird Tales, 70
Weishaupt, Adam, 117, 140, 198, 199, 200, 242, 244, 329, 369, 375
Weisman, Richard, 53
Welch, Cedric X, 287–88
Welch, Robert, 199, 240
Welles, Orson, 19, 21, 22, 202, 358
Wells, H. G., 19
Star Begotten, 70
Wertham, Fredric, Seduction of the Innocent, 72, 237
Westworld (film), 178
What Dreams May Come (film), 323
Whig Party, 114
Whip Hand, The (film), 73
Whiskey Rebellion, 116
white-slavery rings, 11, 199
White Zombie (film), 99
W.I.C.C.A. Letters, 216–17
Wikipedia, 325–327
Wilcox, Steve, 250
Wiley, Malcolm, 311
Wilhelm II, Kaiser, 41
Wilkerson, Ralph, 191, 193
William Volker Fund, 14
Wilson, Arlen Riley, 237, 397
Wilson, Christopher, 88
Wilson, Henry, 8
Wilson, Jack (Wovoka), 37–38, 40
Wilson, Mick, 235–36
Wilson, Peter Lamborn, Angels, 146, 147, 149, 379
Wilson, Robert Anton, 221, 234–49, 252, 254, 259, 284, 327, 331, 335–36, 393, 395, 396, 397, 399-400, 401, 417, 419
and Illuminatus!, 234, 243–44, 248–49
and Operation Mindfuck, 239–48
Wilson, Woodrow, 42
Winner, Michael, 176, 383–84
Winrod, Gerald, 199
Winslow, Josiah, 25
Winter Kills (film), 176
Winthrop, John, 152
Wirt, William, 371
Book of Shadows, 190
Illuminati, 187–89, 190, 196, 218
Salem, 49–55, 69, 87, 90
Todd, 186, 189, 190, 192, 195, 218
Wonderful Wizard of Oz series, 70
Wood, Gordon, 114
Wood, Sally, Julia and the Illuminated Baron, 119
Woodward, Bob, 166–67, 174
Words That Won the War , 44
World’s Hidden Rulers, 141
World War I, 40–44
World War II, 76, 104
Wounded Knee massacre, 40, 270
Wovoka (Paiute Indian), 37–38, 40, 357
Würzburg, Germany, witches burned in, 51
Wyatt-Brown, Bertram, 83
Xanthyros, 282
X-Files, The (TV), 294–96, 417
XYZ Affair (1798), 116–17
Yates, Frances, 150–51, 379
Yippies, 125, 159, 257, 258, 382, 401
York, Malachi, 419
Yorty, Sam, 107–8, 130, 389
Young, Brigham, 61, 63, 64
YouTube, 218, 329, 390
Zeitgeist (documentary), 321–22
Zeitgeist Movement, 322
Zodiac killer, 172
zombies, 99-100, 170, 206, 258, 364
Zoroastrianism, 147
Zwack, Francis Xaver von, 117
Cover design by Jarrod Taylor
All illustrations are courtesy of the author except where noted otherwise. Front matter image: detail from front cover of They Knew Too Much About Flying Saucers , courtesy of the author.
Back matter image © by High Degree Symbols, from “The Freemason,” by Eugen Lennhoff, published 1932 (Litho)/Private Collection/KenWalsh/The Brigeman Art Library