sounds so well with the choir and doesn’t drown out the voices the way this one will.’
‘Such disputes between Ritualists and Evangelists have divided every Chapter in the country,’ I said.
‘How right you are, sir. We didn’t have none of that when I was a boy. Then you was a good Christian and worshipped in the Cathedral or you was Chapel or a Papist and that’s all there was. Now the Chapel and the Papists is all in the Church and fighting each other about vestments and candles and incense and processions. To my way of thinking, these new ways are all mummery and play-acting and not a respectful way of worshipping the Almighty at all.’
‘But now it’s the Low Church canons who are getting their way with the organ?’
‘Aye, for he seems to have most of them in his pocket. And so, no matter what it costs or what damage it does, he has to get the organ he wants.’
I assumed he was still referring to the organist. ‘Didn’t the other canons oppose it?’
‘Dr Locard tried but they were too many for him. Just as they seem to be in this new to-do over the school.’
I knew who Dr Locard was. ‘What is the matter at the school?’ I asked, wondering whether some crisis had arisen there that affected Austin and, if so, whether it could be the clue to why he had suddenly invited me. He had been impulsive and self-indulgent and took little thought for the future and it might have led him into difficulties now as it had in the past.
The old verger seemed to realize that he was being indiscreet and muttered, ‘They’re going to decide about it at the next Chapter meeting. I don’t know much more than that.’
‘When is the next meeting? The canons should consider stopping these works.’
‘Thursday morning.’
‘That will be too late!’
I turned and hurried down the stairs and across the Choir to where the men were working.
‘Are you the foreman?’ I asked the bearded man.
He looked at me curiously. ‘I am.’
The men stopped and listened.
‘You can’t put the pipes through there, my good fellow.’
‘I can’t, can’t I?’
I didn’t like his manner at all. ‘You’ll do some serious damage.’
‘I do what I’m told,’ he said.
‘Wait,’ I began. ‘Allow me to ...’
‘I take my orders from Mr Bulmer and Dr Sisterson and nobody else,’ he interrupted me, and then signalled to his men to go back to work. They exchanged grins of amusement at my expense and one of them swung his pickaxe again.
I returned to the verger. ‘If they have to do it, they should take the pipes round another way where they will do less harm.’
‘You’re right. But how do you know that, sir? With respect, I don’t believe I’ve ever seen you in here before.’
‘I’ve never been. But I’ve made a study of the construction of cathedrals and I’ve read a great deal about this one.’
‘Where do you think they should put the pipes, sir?’
‘I’m not sure. Could I go up to the organ-loft? The old one? I can see better from up there.’
‘You’re very welcome, sir.’
‘It will not inconvenience you?’ I asked. ‘You’re not about to lock up?’
‘Not the least bit in the world, sir. We usually lock up after Evensong but tonight – and tomorrow night – the men will be working until eight or nine and I’ll have to stay until they’ve finished to secure the transept door behind them. That’s always the last to be locked.’
‘Why are they working so late?’
‘They need to get it finished for Friday. There’s to be a grand service of re-dedication for the organ in the afternoon and the Bishop himself is going to officiate. That’s why the choir has been practising so late.’
He picked up the lantern from the tomb and made his way in front of me across the presbytery to a small door just behind the choir-stalls. To my dismay, many of the ancient oaken panels had been removed and some were laid across the door. ‘I won’t go up myself, sir. It’s awkward with my