The Truth Lies Beneath Your Eyes

The Truth Lies Beneath Your Eyes Read Online Free PDF

Book: The Truth Lies Beneath Your Eyes Read Online Free PDF
Author: Nzingha Keyes
Tags: Drama, Fantasy, love triangle, High School, demons, love, teenage
    “Wha- how did you do that!!!?” she asked
    “Ha, that’s lesson two, how to fight,” Alias
said smugly.
    “But I know how to fight,” she said.
    “Not with full strength you don’t ” He challenged.
    “I’ll take your word for it,” she said while
sliding from underneath him and walking toward the bunny’s
    “Morning Geliebt-Dämon ,” she said cheerfully. He watched as
she put hay and fresh water into his cage.
    “You can’t catch me!!!” Alex said tauntingly
and then took off running.
    “Prove it!!” she yelled as she closed
Geliebt-Dämon’s cage and ran after him.
    Walking into the kitchen he ate his breakfast
and then pulled on a clean shirt.
    “We can train now?” Amethyst said from the
kitchen doorway.
    “You want to train?” Alias asked.
    “Well yeah, yesterday was fun and beating you
should be even more fun,” Amethyst said with a smirk.
    “You shouldn’t be so sure of yourself,
chick,” Alias replied. Amethyst stood there for a moment,
    “funny, I was going to tell you the same
thing.” She left the kitchen and went back outside. Now she has
on a Charlie the unicorn t-shirt, he noticed.
    “Okay wonder woman, try and fight me. Use the
powers if you can,” Alias said tauntingly. They were in the park
“I’ll go easy on you,” he said. Amethyst disappeared. She must
think I’m stupid, I know she’s going to appear behind me, Alias
thought. He braced for the impact and then…nothing? He turned
around, she wasn’t there. Looking around everywhere-Whoosh!!!
“Ouch!!! Where the hell?” He said trying to get up.
    “I phased into a tree and waited until you
didn’t expect it, and now you’re pinned,” she said with a laugh.
She was right…he was pinned, this was awkward.
    “Rematch?” He asked.
    “Sure,” she said. The power works through
her so naturally, she is a born demon…and a most angelic one at
that, he thought while getting up.
    “This time, no phasing because you’re good at
that,” Alias said.
    “Whatever Chicken-boy,” she said. Alias
jumped into the air and wings sprouted from his back. He had her in
a hold, in the air, not tightly but enough that was good for
lessons. I don’t know the way to teach her without hurting her.
I just hope that...should anything happen she can know what to do
and the things she is capable of, he thought. Spikes…his
hands….his arms and the longer he kept that grip the more intense
the pain was. Then it was like a jolt, electrocution that shot
through him that got him to let go and then…she didn’t fly. She
landed gracefully and if confused him looking down on how high up
they were. Above the trees, a true mystery she was.
    “You okay? You look sort of dazed out,”
Amethyst asked.
    “I’m fine…how do you do that?” Alias
    “I think about the person whose trapping me
and think about what I want to do and the more I concentrate the
more powerful it is,” she said plainly.
    “Hey alias, this is cool and we can do this
later but…I want to play soccer so can I go?” She asked.
    “Yeah, me and Alias against you and Alex!!!”
Christophe yelled throwing the soccer ball on to the field.
    “Christophe!!!!” She yelled
    “You are so dead, right Lex?!!” Amethyst
    “You guys are beyond buried!” Alex said in
    “Only one thing left to do then, huh
Christophe?” Alias asked tauntingly.
    “Yeah, game on!!!” he said kicking the soccer
ball. This will be awesome, Alias thought

Chapter 7:
    If blue is for nightmares, what’s purple?

    Soccer games over, Christophe team won and
I’m still outside, she thought. Nothing was wrong, it was a
nice day but then why did she feel like something was soon to
happen. I’m being paranoid, she thought. But the feeling
wouldn’t shake from her. She walked along the building through the
streets. It was silly, she was being stupid. She wondered around
for a moment before noticing there was a little kid that seemed to
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