The Trouble With Spells

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Book: The Trouble With Spells Read Online Free PDF
Author: Lacey Weatherford
Tags: Fantasy, Speculative Fiction
minute Grandma reached over and pinched it out.
    “Oh, I get it,” I
said, the pieces of the joke clicking into place for me. “It’s a trick candle!
Anyone can do it.”
    I leaned over the
candle and cupped my hand the same way she did and blew gently on the wick. Though
it was slow, the candle sputtered to life once again.
    “See!” I gestured
proudly. “A trick candle!”
    “Well, actually
Portia, you’re a witch too.” She smiled gently.
    “What?” I
stammered, wondering what she was hoping to accomplish with this line of play. Had
she lost her ever-loving mind? What was going on?
    “You’re a
descendant from a long line of witches and warlocks,” Grandma said, fixing me
with her gaze.
    “I thought
warlocks are supposed to be evil.” I blurted out the first thing that popped
into my head.
    “Some are. Just
like some witches too. As with all things, it’s a matter of choice,” she
replied, watching me carefully. “I happen to be the High Priestess for a very
good coven, though.”
    “A coven?” My mind
was spinning like it was on a roller coaster. I took a step away. “You’re the
leader of a coven.”
    She nodded,
maintaining eye contact with me. I could see no hint of teasing on her face.
    “No offense,
Grandma, but I’m having a bit of trouble believing any of this. I still think
you’re trying to pull some big joke over on me, though I don’t know what you’d
hope to accomplish by that.” I stared at her. “I really hope you’re trying to
pull a joke on me.” I added the last part slightly under my breath.
    “That’s to be
expected. Will you allow me to show you something?”
    “Be my guest,” I
said, waving my hand through the air, wondering what she could possibly be up
    “Follow me then.”
    We left the room
and walked down the hall, stopping at her linen closet, which she opened.
    “Sheets? That’s
what you wanted to show me?” I said sardonically, beginning to feel a little
irritated at this continued charade.
    Grandma reached
into the closet and pressed on something. To my surprise, the whole set of
shelves slid to the left, revealing a slim door behind them, the same color as
the walls. She opened the door, and I could see a small set of stairs leading
down into the earth.
    “Now you’re
starting to scare me,” I mumbled, suddenly aware there was definitely something
serious going on here—much more than a practical joke.
    Grandma stepped
ahead of me and began to make her way down. As we neared the bottom of the
steps, we entered an earthen room that had many shelves covered with bags and
jars of different mixtures.
    “This is my supply
room where I keep most of my herbs and things I need for rituals,” she
    I looked around,
still not too convinced, because I knew she used herbs for her shop. This could
just be a storage area, couldn’t it? My mind was grasping at straws.
    “Come along.” She
waved her hand for me to follow, and I did so, curious to see what else was
down here in this place I’d never known existed. We turned the corner into a
narrow hallway and followed it to where a dark cloaked figure was standing near
a closed door.
    “Here’s your robe,
Mother,” the figure spoke, holding a dark garment in his arms.
    “Dad?” I croaked
out. The figure tipped his hood back so I could see his face.
    “Well, Pumpkin,
what do you think of all this?” He smiled widely at me.
    I sputtered and
choked before I could speak. “But you’re an encyclopedia salesman!” I blurted. It
was all I could say as both he and Grandma laughed.
    “That’s just a
cover for his real work. Right son?” Grandma patted his hand affectionately,
taking the garment from him.
    “Which is what? Super
warlock?” I exclaimed, feeling as if my whole world just tipped upside down.
    “I know it’s a lot
to take in, Pumpkin. Just try to be patient.” Dad continued smiling. “We’ll
explain everything to you.”
    “Actually, your
dad’s the High Priest of our
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