The Temptation of Laura

The Temptation of Laura Read Online Free PDF

Book: The Temptation of Laura Read Online Free PDF
Author: Rachel Brimble
and gawk as she had before and forced nonchalance into her stance and demeanor. Pleased she’d chosen to wear her best frock from her wardrobe of relinquished cast-offs, she glanced about her. At least she seemed to be holding up to the standard.
    She might not have the riches of the wealthy ladies with intricately beaded dresses and hats of the most beautiful design, but she didn’t stand out as a street urchin amongst them either. Swallowing her nerves, she planted on a smile. She might be a whore, but tonight she sought more. Who knew what jobs the theater had to offer? There had to be something.
    Clutching her ticket, she moved through the crowd into the theater proper and took a seat close to the exit. Her place by the aisle meant she could observe the comings and goings of the audience with minimal effort or the need for anyone to think her glances odd or suspect. She looked to the huge clock mounted on the wall above her. Another hour before the main feature was due to begin.
    Plenty of time to survey the staff as they weaved among the theatergoers. Maybe she could catch the friendly eye of someone willing to help her secure a position. More and more people entered the auditorium, and even though several men and women appraised her through narrowed eyes, no one approached her. A relieved breath shuddered from between her lips.
    At least she didn’t look as though she was there scouting for business.
    Worrying her bottom lip, she glanced around the theater once more. Something worthwhile had to happen that afternoon—no way in the world she could afford another ticket to return.
    Maybe she should stretch her legs and have a wander. She had a good vantage of the people coming to and from the auditorium, but where was the staff? She glanced upward toward the boxes adjacent to the stage where waiters served glasses of champagne. She looked left and a woman offered some sort of confectionary to a richly dressed couple peering down their noses at her.
    She could do that, couldn’t she?
    Laura Robinson could do anything she set her mind to. Standing, she left her ticket on the seat to reserve it and made her way down the aisle to meander across the walkway in front of the stage.
    Smiling demurely, she fought her nerves as her confidence faltered. Had her testimony against a client in court last year traveled along the grapevine and through the doors of the theater too? Did people know what she really was? She pulled back her shoulders. She was being paranoid. No one knew her here. She moved from the stage and strolled up the opposite aisle, her trained eye waiting for the slightest interest of a potential manager.
    Her shoulder bumped something solid. She turned and came face-to-face with a young woman selling refreshments.
    “Pardon me, miss.” The woman tilted her basket. “Can I interest you in my wares? I’ve got oranges, nuts, sweets or chocolate . . .”
    Laura stared. “My God, Tess?”
    The girl’s eyes widened. “Laura? Laura Robinson? You look fantastic.”
    Dropping her basket at her feet, Tess opened her arms and they embraced. Laura’s heart swelled with fondness for Tess and the companionship they’d kept, along with Bette, years before. She swallowed. Times when their financial situation had been very nearly as bad as it was becoming now.
    She pulled back and held Tess at arm’s length. “How long have you worked here?”
    The girl’s pretty face lit up with pride, her dark eyes shining in the subdued light. “Close on a year.”
    “A year? And you’re managing on the wages?”
    “Of course.” She glanced at Laura’s dress, a hint of envy in her gaze. “I clearly don’t earn the cash you do, but still . . .” She lifted her shoulders. “It means I’m out of . . . you know.”
    Laura knew exactly . . . and now it was her turn to stare in envy. “I see.”
    Tess’s hands slipped from hers and she leaned down to retrieve her basket. “You don’t seem to be doing too badly,
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