The Tale of the Vampire Bride

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Book: The Tale of the Vampire Bride Read Online Free PDF
Author: Rhiannon Frater
Tags: classical vampire
but it was so old. So worn. So ancient.
    In the corner, steam rose from a small basin set out so I could freshen up. I quickly discarded my traveling clothes, washed my face and limbs, and changed into the nightgown. I longed for a proper bath, but that did not seem likely. After making sure that the shutters were drawn tight over the windows, I climbed reluctantly into the musty bed. I snuggled down under the cover, attempting to relax.
    The wind sang outside the window and thunder boomed in the distance. Faintly, I thought I heard wolves howling. Except for the fire raging in the fireplace across the room, there was nothing to give me comfort.
    I thought of ghosts and goblins, entertaining a moment of fear, but then I laughed aloud at the ridiculous concept. As I did every night, I said my prayers and settled down to sleep.

    Again, I thought I heard whispers just beyond the edge of my hearing. My eyes snapped open, and I glanced about the room. It was empty, yet I could still hear the hushed voices.
    “Who is there?”
    There was no direct answer to my question, but the voices continued to linger just on the edge of my hearing.
    I sat up and glared at the doorway. “Who is at my door?”
    Slowly, I came to realize that the whispers were all around me. Leaping from the bed, I began to feverishly look about for any source of the odd phenomenon. Try as I may, I could not fully hear the voices that were taunting me, or find their origin.
    “I must be mad,” I said aloud.
    Shaking my head, my long hair falling around my shoulders, I put a hand to my face. As I listened, the soft whispers faded away. Eventually, I began to believe I had imagined the entire incident.
    Weary from the journey, disturbed by my own hallucinations, I climbed back into the bed. Exhaustion must be playing with my mind, I thought.
    Soon, sleep claimed me, and I fell into a restless slumber.
    As I lay there in the great bed, in this old dark castle, I dreamed the strangest dream. Prince Vlad rose up beside the bed, standing over me, his chest bare, and his auburn hair falling to his waist. A strange pendant hung against his muscled chest. It was a golden dragon.
    And in this strange dream, he leaned over me, gazing upon me. He ran his hands over my long red tresses, letting my curls wrap around his fingers.
    “Yes, my dearest Glynis, you are the one.”
    And in this dream, that frightened and aroused me, his hands slid over me, slowly drawing down the bedclothes. Moving onto the bed, he knelt over me, reaching down to stroke my face with his cold fingertips. Sliding a hand under my neck, he lifted me toward him, my hands falling helplessly to my sides. Slowly, his other hand dipped seductively into my nightgown, resting over my beating heart.
    In my dream state, I could feel my heart beginning to beat harshly, and I strained to fully open my eyes. My body was on fire beneath his touch.
    Desire in his eyes, he leaned over, breathing in my breath.
    I swooned, my face falling away from him, exposing my throat. I wanted to scream and thrash about, but my body betrayed me.
    And in this nightmare, this odd dream of mine, he licked my throat with his long tongue, a gesture of a dark promise of what was to come.
    “Soon,” he said.
    A deep moan broke forth from my own lips, wakening me.
    I sat upright and looked about quite anxiously. The bed was empty save for me. The bedclothes were tossed about and hanging partially off the bed. My hand flew to my throat and it felt damp to my touch. My entire body was heaving. My nightgown fell loosely over one shoulder, exposing one breast. I quickly covered it, irrationally fearing it would somehow be seen.
    The dream still clung to me as I slipped off the bed. Still trembling from the throes of the nightmare, I moved about the room, looking into every darkened corner, and behind every piece of furniture. I fancied I would find the Prince hiding there, waiting to ravish me once more in my sleep, but he was no where to
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