The Take

The Take Read Online Free PDF

Book: The Take Read Online Free PDF
Author: Martina Cole
Tags: Fiction, General, Mystery & Detective
back at him. As her mother said, he looked at her as if she was a great big present he was waiting to unwrap. Then she would remark with her acerbic wit, 'And make sure he don't unwrap too much, girl.'
    Maggie would laugh, but now she had been well and truly unwrapped and the fear of losing him was acute. He seemed more enamoured of her, though, and that was allaying her fears for the moment.
    She saw her sister walk in and waved her over.
    'Where's Freddie?'
    Pulling off her jacket Jackie said loudly, 'Give me a fucking chance to sit down will you!'
    Maggie's eyes widened. This was Jackie all over. She talked to people as if they were dirt and, luckily for her, people swallowed because of Freddie and his reputation. But Maggie felt it more acutely because this was her big sister and she adored her.
    Jimmy's brow was darkening and so Maggie said cheerfully, 'Who's rattled your cage?' She was skating on thin ice because Jackie was capable of turning on her, but she didn't know how else to diffuse the situation.
    Looking down into her sister's eyes Jackie felt bad, but the familiar jealousy was once more upon her. Maggie's perfect skin, white teeth and neat figure had bothered her lately. She envied her sister her looks and her youth, she envied her the fart she had no kids and no ties. Freddie coming home had awakened her old anxieties. She knew he would cheat on her and she knew she would be once more plagued with self-doubt and self-loathing and, worst of all, she knew she would eventually accept his philandering because if she didn't he would leave her.
    Not the most perfect of outlooks for any marriage.
    'Sorry, darlin'. Get me a drink, would you?'
    Jackie sat down and, as Maggie and Jimmy knew she would, stared at the door waiting for her husband.
    Jimmy noticed that her hands were shaking. As she lit her cigarette he was surprised at how pronounced it was, but then he knew she was pilled up to the eyebrows most days, from slimming pills, Dexedrine to a few Mandrax. That was when she wasn't shovelling Valium and Norovail down her throat.
    She was the proverbial accident waiting to happen.
    He slipped from his seat and went outside to the car park. It was already dark and he could just make out the figure of Freddie in the corner of the car park, leaning down to the door of a dark green Granada. He walked over slowly, but he could hear what was being said.
    'Ozzy said you could put me right.' The subservience in Freddie's voice was so shocking Jimmy stopped in his tracks.
    'You sure you're up for this, Freddie? This is the big time, mate.' The man's voice was warm, friendly with an underlying threat running through it.
    'Too right I am ready. I know the score, I can hold up my end.'
    'Relax for fuck's sake, it's only a bit of puff.'
    The man was smiling, Jimmy could hear it in his voice.
    He toked on his cigarette before saying, 'I'll be in touch.'
    Jimmy could see Freddie squaring up, could almost feel the excitement running through his veins. 'Thank you, Mr Clancy, I really appreciate it.'
    'One last thing, Freddie?' The man pointed to Jimmy and said, 'That nosy little fucker anything to do with you?'
    Freddie turned and motioned for Jimmy to come over to him, and as Jimmy got to him he grabbed him in a bear hug. 'This is me little cousin, Mr Clancy, Jimmy Jackson.'
    'Little? Fuck me, what did they grow you lot in, horse shit?'
    They all laughed.
    The driver stuck his hand out and Jimmy shook it nervously. This was Siddy Clancy, and until now he had only ever heard the name. It was the Southeast equivalent of meeting a Hollywood star.
    'I'll be in touch, OK?'
    Freddie nodded once more and the car pulled away sharply, wheel-spinning out of the car park and nearly causing an accident as it barrelled down Dagenham Heathway towards the A13.
    Freddie was puffed up like a peacock. Grinning, he grabbed Jimmy in an arm lock and started singing, 'We're in the money.'
    Jimmy was caught up in his enthusiasm, and sang
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