The Summer Solstice ~ Enchanted

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Book: The Summer Solstice ~ Enchanted Read Online Free PDF
Author: K.K. Allen
too much sun.”
    Charlotte chimes in now, agreeing with Rose. “You
were definitely out of it. The sun is so hot in the afternoon and that, mixed
with the salt air, is all one needs to zone out.” Her smile reminds me of one
worn from a mom on a black and white sitcom.
    I nod slowly, not sure if I agree with her or not
but secretly relieved they don’t want to put me in a straitjacket.
    Rose catches my eye, knowingly. She understands.
“I’m going to wash up. Church in an hour.” She stands. “Would you like to come
with me, Katrina?”
    Caught off guard, I look up with a shake of my
head. “Um. No thank you.”
    We haven’t had the religion discussion. My mother
never took me to church growing up. It’s not that I wouldn’t go with her in the
future. I’m just not sure what to expect or how to dress, or what to do.
    Rose walks off without a word and I’m left to my
food. Charlotte is now sitting across from me in Rose’s seat. She gives me a
little smile. “Don’t worry Kat. Everything is just new to you here so it’s all
coming as a shock. Rose and I will take care of you so there’s no need to worry
about a thing. Just relax, enjoy your time here and don’t be afraid to make
some new friends.”
    I frown. “What if it’s not that easy? What if no
one here likes me? I’ll be the new kid in school again. No one likes the new
kid in school.” I think back on my brief time in public school.
    Charlotte tilts her head, giving me a tender look.
“Oh Kat, don’t be so insecure. Have you seen yourself lately? You’re the girl
everyone will want to be around. The guys will drool over you and the girls
will be so jealous of you they will want to be your friend just to find out
your beauty secrets.” She winks at me now. I find myself smiling back.
    She leans in closer as her eyes shimmer, as if made
of glitter. “Besides that, you seem like the sweetest young woman I’ve ever
    I don’t know what I would do without Charlotte’s
boost of confidence. I know that she’s being kind but I am encouraged by her
words. And she’s right. I shouldn’t be so insecure. I’m in a new place. No one
has to know that I have never really had any friends.
    “So, what’s on the agenda today?” I ask perking up
a bit.
    “Well,” she starts.
“Afternoon tea is served at noon. From there I believe Rose is going to give
you the tour of her side of the house.
    Charlotte summons me down to the great room for
afternoon tea. I decide to dress up for the occasion in a simple green
sundress, gold sandals, and my gold heart necklace given to me by my mom before
she died.
    “Sit, sit.” Rose gestures me to the couch across
from her. I take the seat, curious as to what this is all about.
    “How are you doing, Katrina? It can’t be easy
making the adjustments that you are forced to make.” I wonder if Rose will
always be formal with me? I suppose I’m the same with her. I just can’t imagine
myself ever calling her Grandma . It would feel too foreign.
    I think for a second before answering. “My mom is
gone, I don’t know anyone here, and I’m living with my grandmother whom I have
never met until now. It’s all a bit – unsettling.”
    Rose nods and to my surprise, smiles. “We have a
lot of catching up to do.” I see her relax into her chair, as I remain rigid in
mine. “I’m so sorry to hear about your mother, Katrina. I know you may find
this hard to believe but we were once very close.”
    “Then why haven’t I met you until now?” I’m
surprised by my own boldness.
    Rose doesn’t seem to notice. She shakes her head
now, looking far off into the distance. “I tried to keep a relationship with
her. But she wanted nothing to do with me after your father…” She sighs. “She
was like a daughter to me. I raised her as if she was my daughter and
I’ve never stopped loving her, all these years. I understood her reasons for
– everything. But I never stopped thinking about her and loving her
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