The Story of Channon Rose: Lessons between the Lines

The Story of Channon Rose: Lessons between the Lines Read Online Free PDF

Book: The Story of Channon Rose: Lessons between the Lines Read Online Free PDF
Author: Channon Rose
me. In that moment, nothing in the world could have pulled her focus away from me. Her eyes almost looked as if they went black as she stared at me as if she wanted to kill me.
    In an eerily calm voice she said, “I want you to tear this up, throw it away, and I don’t ever want to see it again.” I was terrified but at the same time I was furious that she had invaded my privacy, gone into my room, and read my diary. I responded in a trembling voice, “No, that is my personal stuff, it’s mine, and I want to keep it”! It was the first time I had blatantly refused to act on her orders, but I couldn’t believe the words that fell out of my mouth. As soon as I responded back to her, I wanted to take my words back. I swallowed hard and was so nervous for what was going to happen next. I knew she was going to hurt me, I just didn’t know how, or what was coming this time. We were home alone; I had no one there to help me. She could do whatever she wanted to me. Misty was smart, and she had figured out ways of hiding the physical and verbal abuse she had done to me. I knew something was coming my way, and here I was, a little girl about to be severely punished, beaten, or possibly much worse. One thing I did know is that Misty would find a way to put all the blame on me for whatever was about to happen.
    I was too afraid to say what she had read to her face, which is why I wrote it in my diary to begin with. Everything went dead quiet, and then she stepped towards me. I took a step back. She stepped towards me again. I took another step back, but now I was stuck, my back was against the wall. Misty took another step towards me. I had run out of room. I was trapped. She was now within inches of me. I was now face to face with her when she screamed, “I’m not going to play your games little girl, you will throw this f**king paper away NOW!” I had never seen this kind of intensity from her before. I could feel her anger, it was unlike anything I’d felt or seen from her before.
    I yelled back at her “No, I don’t want to!” I don’t know what I was thinking, but I was still sticking up for myself because I knew either way I was going to get hurt. Misty threw the paper onto the ground, grabbed my arms, and violently threw me to the ground. Before I could do anything she got on top of me, and pinned me down to the hard ground. She started screaming “How could you write these things about me you little b**ch! How could you say these horrible things you stupid little c**t! Don’t you see how happy I make your father?! These are all lies! Is that what you want, your parents back together? Is this your way of trying to get rid of me?! I will never let that happen you little piece of s**t!” as she spit on me.
    She would scream nasty things to me and spit in my face. I remember the taste of her salty tears as they dropped from her eyes onto my face and into my mouth. She was frantically screaming, crying, and trembling all at the same time. I wanted so badly to wipe away her nasty spit and tears off of me, but she had my arms pinned to the ground, she was squeezing my tiny arms so hard. She had her entire body on top of me, pushing down onto my body with all of her weight. I felt like I couldn’t move and she was so heavy. I yelled, “Let me go, let go of me, you’re hurting me!” But it was as if she couldn’t hear a word I was saying. My words meant nothing. I was less than nothing to her. She was in such a rage she might not have even comprehended or understood my plea for release. I felt like she was on top of me for forever. Time had stopped. Her screams became louder, more obscene, and there was nobody to stop her. Her face turned red. As I stared at her face she started to look like the devil in human form. Her veins bulged from her forehead and her eyes bulged and took on a blank stare, a stare in which I was not viewed as a little girl, or even a human being, but a thing, a thing that was getting in the
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