The Spoils of Sin

The Spoils of Sin Read Online Free PDF

Book: The Spoils of Sin Read Online Free PDF
Author: Rebecca Tope
arrived and were sitting with Carola. Fanny fought back tears as her companion greeted her with a broad smile. ‘Here are Jack and Tom,’ she said. ‘Come and tell them how welcome they are.’

Chapter Three
    Fanny considered pleading sickness, but the look in Carola’s eyes prevented her. There was a steady purpose that hinted at an awareness of Fanny’s frame of mind. ‘You take Tom,’ she said. ‘He is new-arrived from Boston, he tells me, and has been impatiently awaiting our opening.’ She patted the man’s arm with an easy familiarity before turning to the other. ‘And Jack is an old-timer in Oregon Territory. He accompanied the first wagon train, back in ’43.’
    Fanny forced a smile. The fact that the men had shared something of their backgrounds with Carola made them more human that the first ones. They were older and calmer, too.
    A third trip to the privy revealed a streak of blood on the sponge, which did not surprise her. She repeated the preventative process with a sense of resignation.
What did you expect?
still echoed in her head.
    Tom was blessedly easy. He was careful, pacing himself in an attempt to prolong the experience, but nonetheless finishing in little over a minute. His member was of modest size and Fanny felt almost no sensation. Afterwards he held her to him, his arms around her, his face against her neck. It made her feel that she might be more to him than a hot tunnel of flesh into which he needed to disgorge himself.
    â€˜Thank you, my dear,’ he said. ‘I needed that more than you can ever imagine.’
    She rubbed his bare shoulder and said nothing.
    It was still short of nine o’clock, and Carola insisted they remain open until ten at least. They left the door half-open and tended the lamps to give a welcoming blaze of light.
    â€˜The next one’s mine,’ said Carola, reminding Fanny than she had entertained one more client than her friend.
    â€˜And welcome,’ she said.
    â€˜It will be a success, I’m certain. Twenty-five dollars in a single evening, if not more. First thing in the morning, I shall open an account at the bank. In a week, there might be close to a hundred dollars each. Just think of it!’
    â€˜You…liked it, then?’ Fanny ventured.
    â€˜Liked? I
the money. I
the rest. Why? What ails you, Fan?’
    â€˜My second one was rough. He hurt me. He said some dreadful things to me.’ Tears seeped down her face. ‘He said what did I expect. He said I was too innocent, and had no idea what it could be like. I am afraid for my life. Afraid for both our lives. He had such a look – as if I was an animal, to be treated just as the whim might take him.’
    Carola sat very still. Her square jaw had never looked more determined. ‘Then we must hire someone to protect us,’ she said at last. ‘We have been reckless.’
    â€˜Who? How do we find such a person?’
    â€˜We must ask around. Keep our eyes and ears open.’
    â€˜It must be a man, then?’
    Carola hesitated, frowning at the floor. ‘What woman would carry the right authority? The strength to maintain order?’
    Fanny thought of her grandmother, who had kept order during their migration, without anybody even realising she was doing it. ‘A man, though, Carrie. Could we
him?’ Try as she might, she could not envisage such a character.
    â€˜We have been reckless,’ said Carola again. ‘We have learned a good lesson tonight.’
    â€˜I am grateful to you for heeding my fears. Your men, I presume, were well-behaved?’
    â€˜The first had his difficulties. I lacked the skill to assist him. But patience was rewarded and all was to his satisfaction in the end, I believe.’ She did not meet Fanny’s eye as she spoke, the language of the bedchamber no easier than before. ‘The second was closer to my expectations. Fast and
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