The Spire
he responded in a dubious tone, 'is to keep this quiet until we find out all the details. There's some thought that Clark will help us retrieve the money in return for a low-key resignation because of 'health.' Durbin has reason to cooperate'if he refuses, and this leaks out, some on our board want to press criminal charges. I doubt a mild-mannered heterosexual like Clark will want to make the kind of 'special friends' he'll encounter in state prison.'
    Reflexively, Darrow thought of Steve Tillman. 'At least Durbin won't have spent his life there.'
    From the glint in Farr's eyes, Darrow saw that he'd grasped the reference. 'True enough. But let's hope, for Clark's sake, that one prisoner from our community is enough.'
    'Whatever the case,' Darrow said, 'get all the facts, then make a complete disclosure. Dribbling out partial information is almost as bad as stonewalling.' He looked at his mentor keenly. 'But you know all this, I'm sure. So tell me what else I can do.'
    Farr was silent for a moment. 'That depends, I suppose, on how you feel about your current life. And what plans you have for the future.'
    Darrow slowly shook his head. 'I can't help but think about the first time you asked me that question. My answer's much the same: I don't really know. Before she died, Lee and I talked about what we'd do if she got tired of chasing after campaigns. But all that was complicated by the idea of starting a family . . .'
    His voice trailed off. 'What about the law'' Farr asked.
    Darrow shrugged. 'I'm a very good trial lawyer, no doubt. I've proven that. But there are other talented lawyers who can bring these cases, and I can't tell myself that I'm doing God's work. My dilemma is that it's easier to feel restless in the present than to define a different future.' Giving Farr a fleeting smile, he finished: 'It's like you said when we first met. I'm lacking in direction. But if you still want me to join the board, I will.'
    Briefly, Farr paused. The look in his eyes struck Darrow as speculative. 'Actually, I want you to consider becoming president of Caldwell College.'
    This time Darrow did laugh. Removing his sunglasses, he said, 'You're joking.'
    'Then you should be. I've got no academic credentials; no administrative experience; no background with an educational institution of any kind. I haven't even kept up with the school. I've already offered the only thing I'm good for'money.'
    Farr folded his arms. Fleetingly, Darrow imagined how they looked to others: two men in business suits in the middle of the Public Garden, talking quietly but forcefully about something very serious. 'If your model of a college president is someone like Clark Durbin,' Farr said bluntly, 'God help us. That's the last thing we need. Even colleges that aren't in trouble are making nontraditional hires: Oberlin just hired Michigan's outside lawyer, and the Stanford Business School's run by a former CEO.'
    'That makes a kind of sense,' Darrow said. 'This doesn't.'
    'No'' Farr countered dryly. 'You spent five years prosecuting criminal cases'including homicides'and eight more years untangling every financial scam known to man. Given Caldwell's recent history, some might say you're perfect.'
    '_That's_ pretty sad.'
    'But true. More fundamentally, you embody the best of Caldwell College: a small-town boy who made good through attending a school that stresses teaching instead of research. To be plain, you're here because of Caldwell.'
    'And you,' Darrow answered softly. 'I'm well aware of that.'
    'As the alumni are of you. You're an athletic hero, enshrined in our Sports Hall of Fame. You're a graduate of Yale Law, a nationally renowned lawyer. You've been on the cover of
U.S. News
, the
_ Journal, American Lawyer _, and'three times already'our alumni magazine.' Farr spoke with quiet urgency now, brooking no interruption. 'You're young, attractive, and gifted with considerable charisma. You know the school. And what the school needs is a leader
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