The Spanish Billionaire's Hired Bride

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Book: The Spanish Billionaire's Hired Bride Read Online Free PDF
Author: Rachel Lyndhurst
tell you, Antonella,” Ricardo said with a voice so calm it made her shiver. He did “ in control ” so well. He’d be a terrifying enemy. Maybe that was why her heart was pounding so hard. She didn’t need another enemy. She didn’t need a husband, either, except … bizarrely, now she did.
    “Something to tell me?” Her tanned crepe chin wobbled as she twisted a string of pearls between her fingers. “Intriguing …”
    “Helen and I are to be married, so she will be leaving your employ with immediate effect.”
    The Condesa rolled her kohl-rimmed eyes to the sky and made an inelegant snorting noise. “How preposterous.”
    “Make no mistake, madrastra ,” Ricardo replied, his voice diamond hard. “We are engaged. We will be married quickly. There will be minimal fuss.”
    “Fuss?” The Condesa’s black eyebrows arched like a cat stretching. “You’re an internationally renowned Lothario, you stupid boy. Of course there will be fuss! And speculation …”
    “I can deal with that.”
    “I would ask whether your new fiancée is with child, but considering you only met yesterday—”
    “I’m not pregnant,” Helen said. “We’ve not even—”
    “We’ve not even set a firm date or venue.” Ricardo took Helen’s hand in his. “And I need to ask her father for her hand, so we’d appreciate your discretion for now.”
    “My discretion?” The Condesa blinked and took a long breath before fixing Helen with a cold stare. “Naturally, discretion.”
    “Excellent. So would you like me to replace your Girl Thursday, or is that something you’d like to arrange yourself?”
    “I’m not senile if that’s what you’re inferring. What I need right now is a Bloody Mary.”
    “Perhaps I can fix it for you one last time?” Helen shot Ricardo a pleading look.
    “That would be most welcome.” The Condesa sent a sharp glance in Ricardo’s direction. “You’ve just perfected the mix. I’d appreciate it.”
    Ricardo paused, took his phone from his pocket and checked it before saying, “Very well. I have an important call to make anyway. Say your farewells. Helen, I’ll be in the car when you’re finished.”
    He turned on his heel and the two women watched him disappear through a stone arch in the direction of the courtyard where his car was parked.
    The Condesa’s voice had an edge to it Helen hadn’t heard before. “Do you think you can handle him, Helen?”
    “I’m not sure. I guess I’ll have to.”
    “You’re smart. I think you probably can if you want to badly enough.”
    “You must be shocked.”
    The Condesa shrugged. “For a moment I was, but then I remembered he’s just like his father—impetuous, impulsive.”
    “He is?”
    “His father proposed to me within three hours of us meeting for the first time. Said it was love at first sight. Such behavior must be genetic.”
    “I see.”
    “No you don’t,” she said sharply. “But no matter. Can I give you some advice?”
    The Condesa’s advice was the last thing Helen wanted, but she was determined to part on good terms. “I would welcome it,” she said quietly.
    “I’ve no idea what’s going on between you two, and I don’t want to know either, but I’m not stupid. Protect yourself financially and emotionally. Men bore easily and we women age in the end. He’ll drop you like a stone when he’s had enough, so make sure he buys you plenty of jewelry to see you through your old age.” She lifted her hand and admired the large emerald glinting on her middle finger. “And don’t fall in love with him, whatever you do. Almanzas destroy their lovers given half a chance. Believe me, I know.”
    Ricardo watched Helen turn the key in the lock of the green door to her flat once more. This would be the last time he’d leave her here to fend for herself. Their impending marriage may be a sham, but he had no intention of allowing her to slip back into the side streets and alleys where feral cats and other unsavory
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