The South Beach Diet

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Book: The South Beach Diet Read Online Free PDF
Author: Arthur Agatston
Tags: Retail
are also an excellent source of protein for vegetarians. Soy protein, found in soybeans and soybean products, lowers LDL (bad) cholesterol. We recommend liberal consumption of these healthy foods.
    Avoid canned beans that contain brown sugar, lard, or molasses.





    Most carbonated beverages are pure sugar and a source of empty calories. Diet sodas are okay in moderation, but water is the best choice for quenching thirst and hydrating your body. Both coffee and tea are major contributors of caffeine to our diets. Too much caffeine can cause a drop in blood sugar, leading to hunger and cravings. Try and limit your caffeine intake to 1-2 cups of caffeinated coffee or tea a day. Flavored coffees and mixes can be a source of hidden sugars.
    Finally, research suggests that moderate consumption of alcohol reduces risk for heart disease and diabetes. We believe this is best accomplished by drinking red or white wine with meals. Beer is a less desirable choice because maltodextrins, the sugars in beer have higher glycemic indicies than table sugar. Cooking wines should be avoided because of their high sodium content. All alcohol is off limits in Phase 1.






    Like grains, bread and bread products can be enjoyed often if you eat the right ones. Whole grain breads are the best choice. Whole grain products should read “100% whole wheat,” “100% whole grain,” or “100% whole grain rye.” Watch out for breads that are labeled just “whole wheat” or “multi-grain.” While some nutrients in these products may be preserved, their glycemic index is generally just as high as that of white bread. Look for at least 3 grams of fiber per serving. But remember, according to the guidelines for Phase 2, you do have to moderate your consumption of breads and starches once they are reintroduced to your diet.
    Anything labeled “fortified” means that processing has removed essential vitamins and nutrients. Any attempts to return vitamins artificially are unlikely to be sufficient. Avoid “fortified” foods and commercial breads that include hydrogenated oils.





    Man was designed to consume much more fiber than we get in modern diets. Fiber slows our digestion and thereby helps prevent swings in our sugar and insulin levels. Both hot and cold breakfast cereals can be excellent sources of fiber; choose ones with a fiber content in the 6 gram or higher range. Hot oatmeal cereals are excellent but only those that are slow cooked; instant hot cereals have too high glycemic indices. And don’t be fooled by cereals labeled “natural.” Many types, including granola, have plenty of sugar and minimal fiber. Even worse, they may have hydrogenated oils.
    Donuts are the worst breakfast choice. They have high levels of trans fats and highly processed flour with a very high glycemic index. Avoid store-bought muffins as well, because they are usually loaded with sugars.













    Most candy is pure sugar and as such should be avoided.
    However, if you are going to indulge, a small quantity of dark chocolate is the best choice. The only negative about chocolate is its sugar content, and dark chocolate has a lower sugar content than other types.
    There are now many varieties of low-carb, sugar-free, or diabetic candies on the market. Many use sugar alcohols such as sorbitol or mannitol as sweeteners. These sugar alcohols are sweet tasting, but instead of being absorbed into the bloodstream, they
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