The Silver Arrow

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Book: The Silver Arrow Read Online Free PDF
Author: Ian Todd
or The Stalker picks up that it wis Lizzie Mathieson that wis oan duty that night up in Stobhill.  If that happens we’ll be lucky tae save either ae them, although we’ve put thegither a wee back-up plan tae try and prevent that fae happening.  In the meantime, oor priority is tae strengthen whit we’ve goat before the shit hits the fan.  Dis that answer yer question?”
      “Is there any way the girls can be moved to a different location…to another area of the city, perhaps?”
      “Naw, we’ve deliberately kept them in the dark fur their ain good.  Ye’ve met them.  There’s no way they’d agree tae move withoot being telt why.  And anyway, there’s naewhere in the city that they’d be safe wance the word went oot tae find them.  The best we kin dae is tae get whitever Graham needs, as soon as possible.  That’ll be oor tap priority.”
      “I see,” Swansea murmured, feeling a shudder go up his spine.
      He wis glad he’d goat the question oot ae the way, and wisnae surprised by the response.  He’d known, or should that be, he’d hid professional involvement wae maist ae Tony Gucci’s young gang members fur a number ae years noo.  Tae look at them, wan could be excused fur thinking that they looked jist like any ae the other well-dressed young thugs that queued up in Graham Portoy’s front reception, until ye sat up close tae them, observed and listened tae them argue and put forward the rationale behind their thinking.   They didnae come across as braggarts, bit oozed a confidence that made everywan in the firm, particularly the younger female staff, fall o’er themselves tae work wae them.  Swansea wisnae too sure how truthful the rumours wur…the stories ae whit they goat up tae…their use ae extreme and some wid say, murderous violence against people who crossed them. They always came across as charming and accommodating, especially the wan sitting across fae him, wae no a hint ae the potential fur violence that everywan hid them marked doon fur.  Despite the fact that hauf ae them wur currently serving time, he’d been surprised at their rapid rise intae the upper echelons ae the criminal fraternity and the world ae legitimate business enterprise.  He’d worked in some ae the toughest cities in Britain, such as Cardiff, Manchester, Liverpool and London. Tae survive and thrive in a place like Glesga, wae whit The Mankys goat up tae at their age, wis nothing short ae a miracle.  Tae Graham, they wur jist his boys, bit tae Swansea, they wur heiding fur the big time and everything that came wae it…or tae an early grave.  Whitever it wis, Swansea wanted tae be part ae that journey.  He knew fine well that maist ae the precognition officers scattered throughoot the city wid gie their left eye tae be sitting where he wis sitting.  He’d furgotten the number ae times he’d been approached by aw the tap law firms in the city, offering him big money, bit he’d stayed where he wis…and anyway, none hid offered whit he wis earning, working fur Graham Portoy.
      “So, whit dae ye need, Swansea?”
      “Well, first of all, I need you to sign this chitty, boyo.  It’ll give you some legal protection, should the boys in blue want to know why you’re going around asking questions on things that aren’t supposed to be the business of a layman.  It should also protect any evidence that you may gather up or at least, allow us to get back, if our friends down in Central attempt to confiscate it.”
    “Nice wan,” Simon acknowledged, grinning, as he signed the sheet ae paper.  “Dis that mean Ah kin tell them tae fuck aff because Ah’m oan legal business?”
      “Up to a point, it does.  As long as what you’re doing isn’t breaking the law…although, from my experience in this city, telling right from wrong holds no currency with the local constabulary.”
      “So?” Simon reminded him.
      “How correct is the Mathieson girl’s supposition that the deaths of
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