down here tomorrow! It’s a lovely place, and no one will bother you!’
When you have played together as children and shared most things in your teens, there is not much you do not know about each other. What Star knew would send her off to take up her part in Jimmy Du Parc’s new musical show with a mind completely at rest. What Janet knew made it perfectly clear to her that Star had a game of her own. She said in the voice which had just the least touch of a Scottish lilt,
‘“You had much better tell me straight out what you want.’
‘Angel, I knew you would come to my rescue – you always do! You see, it’s Stella. That fool Edna has let Nanny go away on some ridiculous holiday trip, and I’m due to start for New York tomorrow – no, it’s the day after! But there’s no time – you do see that, don’t you? And I can’t go unless I can feel quite sure about Stella. And I would with you. Edna isn’t any good with children. She hasn’t ever had any. I’ve just been telling her so, and I don’t think she liked it!’
‘And how many children am I supposed to have had?’
‘Darling, you’re an angel with them – you always were! It’s a gift! You will do it, won’t you? You’ll adore it really! It’s a wonderful old house, and the gardens are a dream. A bit gone off now, of course, from what they used to be, because there are only two gardeners now instead of four, and I don’t suppose there ought to be as many as that. It would be a take-in for everyone if it turned out that Adriana had run through all her capital, and I don’t really see how she can be doing everything out of income – not nowadays. Surtax, you know, darling — it’s frightening! You can’t save a penny! Fortunately for us, Adriana could, and did. At least that’s what we hope! Only we don’t know who she will leave it to – and honestly, what’s the good of splitting it? A little here and a little there, it would just be frittering! You do see that, don’t you?’
The silvery voice ceasing for a moment, Janet was able to say,
‘I don’t see anything at all. Nobody could. And I haven’t said I’ll do it yet.’
‘Darling, you did! And you simply must, or I’m sunk! Suppose I don’t go, and that frightful girl Jean Pomeroy gets the part! Jimmy will give it to her – I know he will. And suppose she makes some ghastly kind of hit in it. She might – just to spite me!’
Janet said,
‘Star, stop talking! You’re making my head go round. And you haven’t told me a single thing. Where are you speaking from?’
‘Darling, Ford House of course! I came down to say goodbye to Stella and make sure everything was all right, and what do I find? Edna has let Nanny go prancing off to the continent on a motor tour!’
‘Yes, you told me that. Ford House – that’s where Adriana Ford lives, isn’t it?’
‘Darling, you know it is! Everyone does! You’re just being difficult! And she had an accident six months ago, so Edna runs the house more or less!’
‘Who is Edna?’
‘She’s my cousin Geoffrey’s wife. Rather distant – the sort where you have the same great-grandfather. No one has been able to make out why he married her. She hasn’t even got money! And they’ve no children. People do do the oddest things, don’t they?’
Janet let that go.
‘Is he there too?’
Star’s voice ran up to new heights.
‘But of course! I told you they hadn’t got a bean. They live here. You’ll probably think him charming – he can be if he likes.’
‘Does he do anything?’
‘He goes out with a gun. But Mrs Simmons has got to the point when she won’t cook any more rabbits – anyway the staff won’t eat them!’
‘I was coming to the staff. Who is there?’
‘Oh, plenty really. You won’t have to do a thing. The Simmons are butler and cook, and there’s Meeson who looks after Adriana – she used to be her dresser. Devoted, but she won’t lift a finger for anyone else. And a woman from
Shayla Black, Shelley Bradley
Sheri Whitefeather, Dixie Browning