The Secrets of Ice Cream Success
    ‘ Who is he?’
Newton urged.
    ‘ He owns
Hill’s Confections.’
    ‘ Oh, them! I
like them. Their choco-dollop choc-ice is really nice.’ Norton
said, getting up from the floor from where he had been deposited by
the much taller Ben, who was now making himself comfortable against
the fairly won pillow.
    ‘ Pure slime!’
Carlo repeated to Norton.
    ‘ What’s he got
to do with anything, Carlo? Asked Abi.
    ‘ Well that’s
the weird thing. He knew I was signing the factory over to Uncle
Randy.’ Carlo answered.
    Ben clasped a hand over
Norton’s mouth before he could say anything and Carlo
    ‘ So he walked
into the office today and just offered to buy the whole company
from Uncle Randy right there.’
    ‘ Hang on, was
that who got out of that big black car?’ Ben asked sitting up and
looking serious.
    ‘ Don’t know.
It might be. I didn’t see what he was driving. Was it a big fella,
stupid hat?’
    ‘ Ah well, we
didn’t see who got out of the car.’ Ben answered, ‘We’d scarpered
by then obviously.’
    ‘ Why?’ Carlo
asked, perplexed.
    ‘ Well everyone
knows you’re in trouble when a big black car slowly pulls up
outside. I wasn’t hanging around to be arrested and tortured so the
Americans could find out where their weapons of mass destruction
    ‘ Why would
they be after you lot, you’re not Iraqi.’ Carlo said.
    ‘ My Gran was
Italian.’ Norton pointed out.
    ‘ I’m Italian,
you twit. They’re not after us.’
    ‘ Well, it’s
not my factory
they’ve just pulled up outside of, is it?’ Ben said with an
accusatory tone. ‘Where’ve you put the Mass Destruction Weapons,
    ‘ Why’d they
want to blow up a church anyway?’ Norton asked.
    ‘ Not that kind
of mass, divvy! This kind!’ Ben said, pointing to Norton’s
    ‘ Oi! I’m just
big boned!’ Norton shouted back.
    ‘ You’re a big
bone head!’ Ben replied laughing, before receiving the amply
proportioned Norton on top of him whilst Newton pummelled both with
the now free again pillow.
    Abi looked at the play-fight
and thought briefly about joining in, before remembering the
original point that was now lost to the others. ‘So what does this
fella in the big black car have to do with you not giving Randy the
    ‘ Well,’ Carlo
said, noting that the three boys had immediately stopped the fight
to listen, ‘when Hill found out that I hadn’t signed the papers
yet, he went off on one and started saying all sorts of stuff about
my Dad being rubbish and how I was probably rubbish as
    ‘ What’d he say
that for?’ Newton asked, still holding his pummelling
    ‘ Dunno,’ Carlo
shrugged, ‘but I get the feeling he knew my Dad. I’m gonna ask
Uncle Randy about him.
    ‘ Hewth noth
yurr Unclllth…’ came the muffled response from Norton who was
currently spread facedown in the duvet with Ben sat triumphantly on
top of him, still idly slapping him across the back of the
    ‘ Anyway, I got
so angry with what he was saying I just flipped and said I wasn’t
going to give up the factory. I don’t even remember saying it… One
minute I was ready to sign, then this big fat man came in with a
stupid hat and then I was running out of the factory wondering what
the hell was going on. I’ve right mucked things up!’ he finished,
banging his head into the back of the chair.
    ‘ No you
haven’t.’ Abi soothed, putting her arm around him. ‘You just need
to talk to talk to Randy. You can still sign the
    ‘ I ripped them
up.’ Carlo remembered.
    ‘ They can
print new ones, you can still do it.’
    ‘ But that’s
just it. I don’t think I want to. I don’t want some stupid fat man
running Leodoni’s. I think I want to.’
    ‘ I thought you
hated it? Ben pointed out.
    ‘ I do… I did…
I don’t know any more. I’m confused… but I just don’t want him to
get it and the only way I can do that is by keeping it.’
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