jagged scar and decided it might be a good idea to grab his pizza and go while the going was good. He shot out the door as a cheer went up from theremaining customers, especially the other two bikers in the far corner.
‘Keep goin’, ya mug!’
‘Yeah, and don’t come back.’
‘Nice classy establishment you’re running here, Kay,’ whispered Flick with a wink, as Rob shuffled out the back to get suited up for his new job.
At last the dinner rush died down and it was time for the ice-cream mob, as Kay called them. Dessert time. People had eaten their main meal and ice-cream was on the sweets menu. At least that was easier.
Out the back Nathan was tidying up and replenishing some of his ingredients, although there’d be still a few more orders to do. Rob had managed to deliver a pizza to the wrong place and they’d grabbed it, paid and eaten half of it when he’d found out his mistake. He’d taken a corner too fast at Sunrise Creek and run off the road, getting bogged in a ditch. Then he’d tried to chat up some babe in a brief bikini top when he’d handed over her Vesuvius, making reference to her own twin volcanoes, and got his face slapped. Hard.
But apart from that it had been just another ordinary day!
It was close to eleven when the last customers left the shop. Kay looked totally wiped out and Flick was feeling like a zombie. Tomorrow, more staff memberswould start and things would get easier. Kay couldn’t keep working fifteen-hour shifts. She’d flake out. Permanently.
‘I’ll sleep here tonight,’ she said. ‘I can make up a bed on the floor in the office. I’m too tired to drive home.’
‘Come and sleep in the bus,’ offered Flick. ‘I’ve got a spare bed and it’s comfy, clean sheets, nice doona, and you can draw the curtain for privacy.’
Liz had gone at nine because she was rostered to start at seven. There was just Flick and Kay cleaning up. Kay still had to do the till, but that wouldn’t take too long because she’d already put most of the notes away. The takings had to be put in the safe and the store locked up for the night.
Kay phoned Cam to say that she was staying the night at Flick’s and they strolled along the street and across the road to the camping ground on the foreshore. The moon shone mistily from behind the sea fog which promised a fine hot day once the morning sun pierced through the soft cloudy barrier. Flick could smell the sea, sharp and salty, with just a faint whiff of seaweed drifting on the balmy night air.
Some of the campers were sitting around quietly talking outside their tents, and they said a brief hello to Kay and Flick as they walked past. A group ofholiday makers were playing cards in their van. Flick could see the outline of their heads and hear the faint murmur of voices and the occasional shout of triumph as someone trumped someone else.
The outline of Flick’s bus was silhouetted against the bank of trees as they walked toward it.
‘Isn’t it a beautiful night?’ said Kay softly as Flick unlocked the door and switched on the light. Luckily she’d left the bus tidy that morning, so that it took only a matter of minutes to pop on the kettle in case Kay wanted a cuppa and to find a clean towel for her to use.
It wasn’t a big bus, but there was plenty of room and the two compartments separated by the curtain meant that two people could share it and still maintain some privacy. A low pig-like grunt told Flick that PK was in the tree overhanging the van.
‘That’s PK Grunt. If you hear a noise in the night like a bomb going off that’s only him landing on the roof.’ She grinned. ‘He might be small and furry but he’s very chunky.’
Kay decided that she didn’t want a cup of tea after all, so, switching off the kettle, Flick went to her end of the bus and got ready for bed.
It didn’t take long for Kay to fall asleep, snoring gently. Flick lay on her back staring up at the darkceiling above her. She knew she still
Louis - Sackett's 10 L'amour