The Scarlet Wench

The Scarlet Wench Read Online Free PDF

Book: The Scarlet Wench Read Online Free PDF
Author: Marni Graff
Nora’s copy of the play.”
      “Easy parts for two old-timers like us. Not too many around that let us work together,” Lydia said, looking around her. “Who’s Nora?”
      “She’s the writer who lives here with her baby,” Callie answered.
      Simon reflected that Callie’s remark neatly summed up the situation. “You’re in the William Morris Suite,” he announced and led the way upstairs.

Chapter Four

    “It’s all a question of adjusting yourself.”
    Elvira: Act I , Scene 2

    12:35 PM

    Declan smiled at the BMW that cut him up as he approached Bowness. Let the bugger get ahead. Nothing could spoil his good mood. Traffic had been light, and he’d breezed through the drive from Oxford with only one brief pit stop, reveling in using his vintage MGB. His sergeant continuously marveled at how Declan squeezed his large frame into the small vehicle, but once settled in the leather bucket seat, Declan enjoyed driving the car he’d restored. He didn’t often get the chance to take it for this kind of long run.
      He’d told Nora he preferred to be introduced to the other guests without his official title. It put people off to know there was a policeman around. He didn’t want to be seen as a detective inspector this week, just as a chap enjoying his holiday, much like anyone else.
      Declan parked and retrieved his suitcase and rucksack, then walked past the small flower garden on the east side of the lodge. He remembered Nora’s suite looked out on this space, and he glanced through the trellis, hoping she might be there with Sean. Empty, except for a few chairs and a table littered with pale pink clematis flowers coming into bloom, giving off a faint, sweet scent.
      Declan continued on the curve past the library with its bay window, wondering how Nora would react when they first saw each other. What a great surprise, showing up the day before she’d expected him. He looked up, and there she was, getting ready to lift the buggy up the front steps. His heart lurched and he quickened his pace. She’d be so happy he’d arrived a day early.
      He reached her side. “Let me help.” The baby was fast asleep in the buggy, a thin line of drool spilling out of his mouth.
      Nora wheeled around, her face flushed, glowing with vitality. She’d never looked lovelier, filled out with the curves motherhood left on her slight frame. But for a fraction of a second, Declan thought that instead of being thrilled to see him she actually looked horrified.


    12:40 PM

    Nora wiped the startled expression off her face, softening it to one of welcome. She became acutely aware of the damp wisps of hair that escaped her clip and curled around her sweaty face and salty lips; her Caesarean scar itched.
      “Declan! I didn’t expect you until tomorrow,” she said aloud. She bit back saying aloud: If I had, I’d have shaved my legs and not been a mass of perspiration when you first saw me. She sucked in her belly and wiped her hands on her jeans. So much for the silky dress she’d bought to impress him. In contrast, Declan’s chinos and shirt hardly looked wrinkled. She resisted the urge to take off her baggy sweatshirt and wipe her face with it. A smile lit his face and gave her butterflies in her stomach.
      “Work was quiet, and I have so much time off owed,” he explained. “Is that a problem? Kate said the room was saved for me … ”
      “Of course not, you just—surprised me,” she said. “Pleasantly,” she hastened to add. Now that she was faced with him in the flesh, she felt awkward. She reached up to kiss him briefly on the cheek in welcome, hoping he couldn’t smell perspiration or Sean’s dribble.
      Declan crouched down to inspect the sleeping baby. “He’s huge.”
      Nora nodded. “Wait till he wakes and you see him smile.”
      “Let me get this.” Declan scooped the buggy up over the steps as Nora held the lodge door open.
      Callie ran to greet her. “Oh, he’s so cute
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