Snelling was just finishing wrapping Miss Fringle’s twisted ankle. He might have finished much sooner if she had not f linched and moaned and shuddered at every slight touch upon her stockinged foot. Her performance was stirring, but Dr. Snelling, that old medical campaigner, seemed largely unimpressed.
“Just a slight sprain, nothing more,” he said. “This bandage will help support it for a day or two. But you mustn’t walk on it tonight. You shall have to stay here until a ride can be arranged for you in the morning.”
“I could escort you home in my buggy,” volunteered Admiral Lockwood, who sat averting his eyes from Miss Fringle’s tempting ankle.
“At this hour? No, thank you.” Miss Fringle pointed her toes and examined her wounded joint. Dour Elinor would have sworn the sight of it pleased her. “I shall pass the night here and return home in the morning.”
Once again Kitty felt the earth sway beneath her feet. Steady on , she told herself. It was time to make a speech. She needed a plan, so she made one on the spot, considered it, and pronounced it good. Time to put it in motion. The wiliest member of Parliament could scarcely rival Kitty when it came to nimble thinking.
“If I might interrupt,” she said in a clear, firm voice. All the adults present paused to look at her in some surprise. Reverend Rumsey’s lips were stained burgundy from the port, and Admiral Lockwood had shortbread crumbs all over his chest. Somehow this helped Kitty feel confident. She thought of her father, addressing the board of directors of his company, and screwed her courage to its sticking place.
“Thank you all for coming at Mrs. Plackett’s invitation to celebrate Mr. Godding’s birthday,” she said. “This afternoon, after church, Mrs. Plackett and Mr. Godding received a distressing message from family members in India. Mr. Godding left immediately for London to book passage to India, and Mrs. Plackett was so concerned for her brother that she felt faint, and took to her bed to rest.” From the corner of her eye Kitty saw Dr. Snelling frown. Liver complaint , she could almost hear him objecting.
“The shock of the news, compounded with her already weak health, overcame her. I am sure she’ll be much better in a day or … a week.”
“But what was the distressing news?” Reverend Rumsey inquired. “Has someone left this world for a better?”
Two someones have, Kitty thought, but not the someones you’re thinking . She racked her brain. She’d overheard a name pass, once, between the headmistress and her brother about a relative in India. But who was it?
“It … was…”
“Please don’t say it was Julius,” Miss Fringle implored. “The poor child!”
“… Julius,” Kitty said smoothly. “Yes, the poor little thing. The doctors are gravely concerned for him.”
“What does he have?” Dr. Snelling asked.
Kitty’s eyes met Pocked Louise’s. Help me, she asked silently. “He … has … pneu—”
“Malaria,” Pocked Louise said swiftly.
“Pneumaria?” Admiral Lockwood asked.
“Malaria,” Smooth Kitty said emphatically.
Admiral Lockwood stoppered the bottle of port wine. “That’s a bad business,” he said. “I’ve seen sailors drop like f lies from malaria.”
“We shall pray and hope that Mr. Godding does not expose himself to infection on this journey,” Reverend Rumsey said gravely. “He has been prone at times to overindulge in drink, which can weaken the body.”
“Her brother’s safety is Mrs. Plackett’s fervent prayer,” Kitty said.
Dr. Snelling shook his head. “I wouldn’t have pegged Aldous Godding as one to race across the world to a nephew’s sickbed.”
“He’s probably glad of a reason to avoid his bill collectors,” Miss Fringle said.
Dr. Snelling harrumphed. “Bill collectors have their ways of finding you and your money.”
Kitty chose to ignore their speculations about Aldous Godding, Deathbed Sojourner. She’d spun her