The Runaway Bride

The Runaway Bride Read Online Free PDF

Book: The Runaway Bride Read Online Free PDF
Author: Noelle Marchand
area. An inordinate amount of them were still around more than an hour after the
service was over. Lorelei stopped short at the sight of the large crowd of
people waiting to speak with the Brightlys. “I can wait until these people
    He shook his head. “I’m not going to give you that much time to
change your mind. Besides, we’ll both need our sleep. We’re leaving at first
    She rolled her eyes. “I know. You keep saying that.”
    “That’s because I like the way it sounds,” he said in
satisfaction. Placing a hand on her back, he guided her forward until they took
their place at the front of the line.
    “You’re going to get us shot,” she whispered.
    “This will only take a minute,” he said loudly enough for the
others in line to hear. “I’m sure the Brightlys won’t mind talking to their
children’s nanny for a moment.”
    A short while later, with James and Marissa’s undivided
attention, he announced, “Lorelei has finally agreed to let me escort her home.
We’ll be leaving at first light.”
    “You’re leaving?” Marissa asked in alarm.
    Lorelei shot him a glance that told him exactly what she
thought of his blunt way of telling the couple. “I’m afraid so. I’m so sorry! I
know this leaves you in a lurch.”
    “We told you that you could leave whenever you liked. The
problem is that the two of you would be traveling without a chaperone,” James
stated gravely.
    Sean shrugged. “It isn’t ideal, but it can’t be helped.”
    Marissa shook her head. “You have to think about Lorelei’s
    “Her reputation,” he echoed with frustration, then glanced over
his shoulder at the milling crowd that was shamelessly listening in.
    “Maybe we should stay after all, Sean,” Lorelei suggested, her
determination wavering. “Just until we reach the next town with a train station.
Then we won’t have to worry about traveling unchaperoned.”
    “No,” he said a bit too abruptly. “That could take days and
days. We have to get back to Peppin. Perhaps one of the parishioners would be
willing to act as our chaperone.”
    “I’ll do it!”
    Sean jumped in surprise at the quick response. He was still
searching for the origin of that almost musical voice when a woman stepped
forward to claim it. She didn’t look anything like he thought a chaperone would.
She was probably older than his mother would be if she’d lived but had pulled
her mousy brown curls back with a girlish ribbon.
    She stepped forward again which drew his gaze downward. His
eyebrows rose. The woman was wearing pants or some female variation of them.
Bloomers—Sean remembered his sister Ellie calling them. They were tucked into
her high buckled leather boots.
    Pastor James shifted uneasily beside Sean. “I don’t think we’ve
met, ma’am.”
    “The name’s Miss Elmira Shrute. I’ve been traveling and came
back to visit family.” The woman’s smile seemed friendly enough. “I’m about
ready to head out though, so I can go with you. I assume the position would be
    Sean glanced at Lorelei. Her reluctant expression turned
doubtful. She cleared her throat daintily. “The little money I have, I’m going
to need for traveling. Perhaps someone else would be willing…”
    Her words were drowned out by a general murmur stating the
opposite. Sean caught snatches of phrases like, “children to feed,” “farm to
run” and “pure foolishness.” He grimaced.
    Lorelei shifted slightly closer. “Well, what are we going to
    He glanced back at Miss Elmira. “I could pay you two
    The woman grinned. “That works for me. When do we leave?”
    “Sean, I’d like a brief word with you,” Pastor James said as he
took a step backward and led Sean away from the crowd. “I have to advise you
against this. I’ve never met that woman before, but I know of her family. They
don’t exactly have the best reputation for being honest in their dealings
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