The Ruby Kiss

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Book: The Ruby Kiss Read Online Free PDF
Author: Helen Scott Taylor
blood surged over his tongue, sizzling his nerve endings. Although he didn’t need blood to survive, he yearned for the pleasure, like other men yearned for sex. Troy flexed against him with a groan of ecstatic surrender. Wrapping his arms protectively around his partner’s lean muscular body, Nightshade pulled the ornament from Troy’s hair, releasing the long silky strands to fall over his hand. Triumphant satisfaction filled him. The most powerful being he had ever encountered was swooning with pleasure under his bite. Troy might as well be kneeling at his feet in worship. If only the piskies who had tried to drive Nightshade away when he was a boy could see him now.
    But he must not take too much. After a few minutes, he reluctantly stopped feeding, opened his jaws, and raised his head. Energy roared through his body like a hurricane. Troy remained unmoving, head angled to one side, eyes closed, lashes dense golden crescents against his pale cheeks.
    Nightshade used his tongue to seal the puncture wounds that were weeping scarlet beads onto the god’s pearly skin. Troy dropped his forehead against Nightshade’s chest. Once beforehe’d sensed Troy’s loneliness, but now the icy flames of his pain licked at Nightshade’s heart. Shocked and humbled at being allowed a glimpse of Troy’s vulnerability, he cupped his hands gently around the immortal’s golden head, wishing there was some way he could help. “Thank you,” he whispered.
    “Enough of this nonsense,” Troy mumbled. He leaned back, breaking the contact between them. “I’ve given you a double-edged sword. But you’re strong enough to use it for your benefit and survive.” Then, with a murmur of dismissal, he pushed Nightshade away.
    Nightshade’s temples pounded with the force of the unfamiliar power now rushing through him. Normally when he took blood he formed a blood bond with his partner, a bond that gave him power to influence their behavior. But he doubted he could influence Troy. Although, he sensed a connection between them that had not been there before.
    He found his friend Devin at the bar and blinked, trying to clear his head.
    “Never seen him offer his throat in submission like that,” his friend said. “He must really trust you.”
    Troy’s voice rang out: “I want a female.” The compulsion of his demand carried over the Gathering, and the clamor of voices fell, then peaked with excitement. Devin’s father then beckoned to someone in the crowd, and a slender female in a shimmering diaphanous dress of green and silver fabric as fine as spider silk drifted toward him trailing butterflies and tiny birds. She stepped between Troy’s splayed thighs and into his arms.
    “Troy’s dicing with trouble tonight,” Devin continued. “Even he’s not immune to the seductive touch of a nature spirit.”
    Nightshade downed some more honey wine. The buzzing beneath his skin made him fidgety and uncomfortable. Hegripped his metal tankard and closed his eyes, drawing in a slow calming breath.
    “Careful, stalker!”
    Devin’s voice snapped him to attention. His friend had jumped aside to avoid the liquid now dribbling off the bar, and Nightshade stared with disbelief at the crushed mug in his hand. What had Troy’s blood done to him? He swung his gaze back to the immortal now hungrily kissing the nature spirit. Her tiny birds and butterflies fluttered around them, making the air sparkle. She had one slender hand buried in Troy’s hair and the other underneath his kilt.
    Nightshade averted his gaze with a sharp pulse of shock. Tonight he’d seen a side of Troy he had not expected. Another tankard was set in front of him, and he gulped down the contents. The world swayed. A slumberous heat invaded his chest and spread through his body, finally banishing the buzz of power.
    “Bloody hell,” Devin moaned. “When Troy gets smashed and has meaningless sex he does like to make a production out of it. Well”—he grabbed Nightshade’s
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