asked the blessing; then they all tore into their pancakes with healthy appetites. Joy suddenly laughed, looking at the ragged mess she had made of her pancakes, while Travis’s plate was neatly arranged with uniform bite-sized pieces. “You still cut up your pancakes like you always did!”
“Reckon it’s the only thing I’m neat about,” Travis said, smiling back at her. “They taste better if you keep them neat. Look at that mess you’ve made. It must taste awful!”
“You just eat your pancakes the way you want, and I’ll eat mine the way I want.”
Chase laughed around a bite of sausage. “You two have argued about how to eat pancakes ever since I’ve known you.”
“Well, Joy just doesn’t learn easy. You’ve probably found that out.” Travis winked at Chase, adding, “I knew we’d have trouble with women after we taught ’em to count money and let ’em eat with us at the table.”
Reaching over, Joy stabbed Travis in the arm with her fork.
He yelled, “Hey, cut that out, woman! I bleed easily.”
After much kidding around, they made it through breakfast and had started to clear the table when Travis said, “Hold on. I have an announcement to make.”
Joy and Chase stopped, each with plates in their hands, and waited.
Travis went on. “I’m not going to have to wait four months to find out what God wants me to do. I know already.”
“Why, you didn’t know last night!” Chase exclaimed. “You mean God spoke to you already?”
“Yep. I was lyin’ on that bed almost asleep, and the answer came clear as day. I know what God wants me to do.”
“What is it, Travis?” Joy asked. She had always known that her brother heard from God more clearly than most people and took it for granted that if he said he’d heard the voice of God, then he truly had. “What is it? Are you going back to Bible school?”
“Nope. I’m going to the South Seas with those missionaries the paper told about—The Twelve.” Travis saw both of them blink with surprise and he grinned. “The answer came right sharp.”
“But it’s The Twelve, ” Joy said. “The story said they’ve already got twelve.”
Travis Winslow leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms. He looked up at the ceiling for a moment, then shrugged his shoulders. “Well, it may have to be The Thirteen, then.”
“But they’re all rich society people—socialites. They’ve got college degrees and money! You wouldn’t fit in.”
“I don’t know about that,” Travis said, grinning. But then his expression turned serious. “I do know one thing, though. God himself told me last night I would be a part of that group, and they’ll just have to get ready for me, ‘cause He’s in charge and those are my marching orders!”
A Clash of Wills
“Dad, I’ve got two people I’d like you to talk to.”
“You mean candidates for The Twelve?”
“That’s right. We have to find one more person. Dalton and I have gone over the whole list, and these are the two I’ve asked to come for an interview.”
“All right. Who are they?”
“One of them is Albert Gibson. He’s an excellent scholar. He’s just finished his second year of seminary. He’s brilliant, Dad. The other one is Sarah Johnson. She’s a very capable young woman. She came to speak at our school once, and I was very impressed with her. She’s already published two books!”
Loren looked at his daughter doubtfully. “Writing books doesn’t necessarily make one a good missionary.”
“I know, but just talk to them, will you, Dad? We’re scheduled to leave in three days.”
“It wouldn’t hurt to put off your departure for a few days.”
“Yes, I think it would. We’ve got to stick with our schedule.”
“All right. I’ll talk to them.”
“Have you lost your mind, Rena?” Loren Matthews said, his face twisted into a scowl. “Either one of those people would wreck your whole mission.”
“But, Dad—”
“Just look