The Royal Flush (Knights of the Darkness Chronicles(Book Three))

The Royal Flush (Knights of the Darkness Chronicles(Book Three)) Read Online Free PDF Page B

Book: The Royal Flush (Knights of the Darkness Chronicles(Book Three)) Read Online Free PDF
Author: D.N. Simmons
to come to her. Please understand that your daughter is safe with us and loved.”
    He kept his temper in check, as he was not accustomed to having to explain his actions or his intentions to anyone. Let alone to humans, but Natasha’s parents were an exception, one that he would have to bear.
    “I most certainly hope so,” Mrs. Hemingway stated.
    Xavier and Darian graciously answered the multitude of questions her parents asked, in hopes of easing their anxiety. Natasha’s parents noticed how calm their daughter was in the presence of the two vampires as they answered their questions. With a glance at each other, Marian and Franklin Hemingway decided to cease their prodding, having obtained the answers they were looking for. They each prayed that their daughter understood what she was getting herself into.
    “Well, I thank you for your honesty,” Marian said. “That puts me more at ease, that and the fact that my daughter doesn’t seem the least bit frightened to be in your presence. We’re going to have to trust that she’s making the right decision for herself in this case.”
    “Thank you, Mom. Trust me, I am,” Natasha said. The three humans began concentrating on their dinners instead, deciding to change the discussion to other non-personal topics.
    During the meal, Darian leaned over towards Natasha’s ear and whispered.
    “As I watch you eat, I wish I could remember the taste of food,” he confessed sadly.
    “I wish you could enjoy this meal with me,” Natasha said as she looked at Darian and Xavier.
    Her mother looked up from her plate. “It’s a shame that you can’t taste this because it’s delicious. It’s no doub t that food has changed a great deal since your time.”
    Darian chuckled, flashing her mother his signature smile  dimples and all--enchanting her. He discussed the various foods that were around during his time. Xavier revealed more tales about Chicago in t he early twenties when he was still a member of Al Cantone’s gang which seemed to interest her father a great deal. After finishing their meals, the five continued to converse until they were ready to leave. Darian paid the bill leaving a generous tip as Natasha walked her parents to their car.
    “Thank you for coming; I really wanted you to meet them. I’m so happy that you’re so cool about this,” she said as she kissed her mother on the cheek.
    “I’m not cool about this at all,” her father Franklin said with a huff. “They never did answer my other question.”
    Natasha frowned. “You asked them about a million questions. Which one didn’t they answer?”
    “Don’t get smart with me, young lady,” Franklin lightly scolded his daughter, who nodded. “I wanted to know how they could share one woman?”
    Marian looked at her husband. “Let’s leave that one alone, honey. We have to trust her decision.”
    “You sure you’re not just saying that because they charmed you?” Franklin cocked one eyebrow, looking at his wife suspiciously.
    “Don’t be ridiculous,” Marian blushed slightly.
    “Sure… ridiculous. I saw you in there grinning from ear to ear when you were asking them about their views on history and oh, what was that? Right… the cuisine during ‘ his time’, ” Franklin teased.
    “Well, they were charming.” Marian smiled.
    “Take a hint,” she murmured playfully as she turned towards her daughter. “I just hope that you’re happy and that you know what you’re getting yourself into, Natasha. They seemed like great men and I do believe that their feelings for you are genuine. I just don’t want to see you hurt, that’s all.”
    “I know, Mom, but it’s not like they’re bloodthirsty demons hunting the city for innocent, virginal victims. It’s not like what you see in the horror movies. I know what I’m doing. Please try to keep an open mind about this. They love me the way that Dad loves you and vice versa. You don’t have to worry about me.” Natasha smiled at her
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