The Rise of the Fallen (The Angelic Wars Book 2)

The Rise of the Fallen (The Angelic Wars Book 2) Read Online Free PDF

Book: The Rise of the Fallen (The Angelic Wars Book 2) Read Online Free PDF
Author: J.J. Thompson
    “ Put her in a seat,”
she said and nodded at the nearest one. He picked up the unconscious
woman none too gently and sat her in the seat, where her head rolled
to one side and rested on her left shoulder.
    Beatrice tied her up
quickly, securing her arms to the chair and then cutting the cord and
using the rest to wrap around her neck and the back of the seat.
Margaret's head now hung straight down.
    “ Try not to let her
choke to death, Beatrice,” the judge said dryly. She smiled
    “ George, are you
    “ No, your honor,”
George replied. “She jumped me when I opened the door to the
washroom, but I managed to avoid the knife.” He reached down
and picked it up, grimacing as he saw flecks of red on the blade.
“Same one she used on the crew, obviously.”
    “ But why, sir?”
Chris spoke up. “Why kill the crew? Or anyone for that matter?”
    “ We'll try to get
those answers when she wakes up, but I think we can assume that she
is an agent of our opposition.” The judge looked at Margaret
with distaste. “They have enough fanatics in their ranks that
I'm sure she would gladly have the plane crash and herself with it if
it guaranteed our deaths.”
    Chris could only shake his
head in disbelief.
    “ Um, guys?”
Natalie spoke up. She was watching Margaret but her eyes were
unfocused. “I hate to have to remind you of this, but we aren't
out of the woods yet. Gloriel says that something is still tracking
us. It's moving fast and getting closer.”
    “ Ah yes, that had
slipped my mind momentarily,” the judge said. He looked around
at everyone. “So, who among us is the best pilot?”
    The best pilot? Chris
could only stare. That means that more than one of them can fly. Wow,
talk about hiring the best.
    With a dramatic sigh, Chef
stepped forward. “That would be me, Ethan.” Then his eyes
narrowed as he caught the judge's grin. “As you knew very well
when you asked.”
    “ Of course I did,
old friend. Now, if you please, take over the pilot's chair. And
could some of you bring the crew's bodies to the back of the plane,
please. Gently now. They were innocent victims of evil.”
    Four of the staff members
carried the two pilots back to the galley. They had been wrapped in
blankets but Chris turned his head away as they passed anyway. He'd
seen enough death on the streets to not be too squeamish, but he felt
guilty somehow for the unnecessary killings of the two men.
    Once the cockpit was
clear, Chris walked in with Natalie right behind him. Chef had wedged
himself into the pilot's seat and Chris turned away for a moment
until he got control of himself. The man was twice as big as the seat
would normally allow, and bits of him hung over the edges of the
    “ Not made for a man
with a healthy appetite obviously,” Chef grunted as he tried to
settle into the seat, which squealed alarmingly at every movement.
“Oh hush up,” he told it with irritation.
    Chris watched as Chef
scanned the readouts. The judge sat down in the copilot's chair.
    “ We're about an hour
out from Heathrow,” Chef told him. He adjusted the headset and
slipped it over his ears. “Usual chatter, no reports of
anything unusual in the area.” His eyes flicked to a screen.
“Radar is clear.”
    “ Can you tell how
far away this nemesis of ours is, Natalie?” the judge asked.
    Natalie was silent for a
moment, with that blank look that Chris knew meant she was talking to
her angel.
    “ Gloriel doesn't
know how far it is, but she says that at the rate of speed it's
moving, we have maybe ten minutes before we are intercepted.”
    “ Could it be another
plane, sir?” Chris asked the judge. The man looked thoughtful.
    “ Possibly,
Christopher. But if it is, then it's a military interceptor. We're
moving much too quickly to be caught by another civilian plane.”
    “ Then what is it?”
Natalie spoke up. “Gloriel sure doesn't know. The enemy has
nothing on their side that could do what this
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