not going to work."
She shrugged. "I trust you have a will?"
He looked at her oddly. "I lived through my youth. I'm not too worried now."
"Maybe you should be."
"Miss Severin, this won't work. I've got to leave."
Abruptly, he turned and hurried out of the cell area. The women cackled as they watched him disappear through the door.
Laughing, Rose sank down on the bed and pulled her knees up, resting her chin. She let herself enjoy the last few moments just a little longer and then she sighed. If only she had listened to Isaiah and waited for his return, she wouldn't be in this cell. But she'd gotten bored, and the need to make as much money as possible before they moved on had urged her to continue working.
An hour passed before she heard the outer door open once again and the deputy stepped through. "Miss Severin, your fine's been paid."
Rose jumped up and hurried to the cell door. "By who?"
"Get your things. Let's go," he said as he fitted the key into the cell lock. When the bars swung open, she hurried through the open portal. The claustrophobia she'd held at bay was suddenly released and she shuddered. Freedom! she thought and took a deep breath.
She turned and waved to her new acquaintances. "Good-bye, ladies."
"Good luck, Miss Severin."
Opening the outer door to the marshal's office, she half expected to see Isaiah waiting for her, but instead she stumbled to a halt.
Stunned, she watched Mrs. Burnett hurry toward her. "Dear! I came as soon as I heard. I never believed they would really arrest you. I'm so sorry. Are you all right?"
Chapter Three
"Mrs. Burnett, what are you doing here?" Rose asked, realization dawning on her as she stared at the gray-haired lady. "Oh, God! You paid the twenty- dollar fine."
The deputy scratched his head. "The marshal doesn't know she paid your fine. If I were you, I'd catch the next stage out of town. It's leaving at noon today. You've got little more than an hour."
"Gladly!" She took a deep breath to calm her ragged nerves. "Mrs. Burnett, thank you, but I've got to go.
Rose started walking toward the door, the swish of her skirts loud in the small room.
"Desirée—wait, dear," Mrs. Burnett hurried after her.
She halted at the door, eager to make a fast exit. "Look, I appreciate you paying my fine, but I can't be seen with you. Your son put me in jail just for talking to you!"
"Don't worry about Travis or Tucker, dear."
"Don't worry about the Burnett brothers!" Right then, Rose would have done just about anything to keep from being locked back in that small box they called a jail. "You heard the deputy. I should get out of town, all because of your sons!"
Rose marched out the door, heels clicking on the wooden sidewalk as she headed toward The Last Word . No, she couldn't really talk to the dead. But all she'd done was help some little old ladies get over their loved ones' deaths, and now she was being forced to leave town, without Isaiah.
If only she had time to find Travis Burnett, she'd give him a talking to that would cause his ears to blister. First she'd yell at him in English, then she'd curse him in French. But she wasn't about to risk being sent back to jail just to appease her wounded pride.
"Miss Severin, please, slow down!"
Rose turned, her feet slowing as she noticed Mrs. Burnett hurrying to catch her. "Mrs. Burnett, I do appreciate your help in getting me out of jail, but I must pack my bags and be on the next stage. Right now I don't feel like talking pleasantly to anyone. In fact, I feel the urge to throw a screaming fit, but I just don't have the time."
Though her gait was slower, Mrs. Burnett was quite capable of keeping up with Rose as she walked along at a rapid pace. "You don't have to leave town, Miss Severin."
"What? Are you kidding me? You think I enjoyed spending a night in that dank jail?" Rose replied, irritated.
"No," the woman snapped back. "You are welcome to move your business and yourself out to my ranch. You'll be safe with