ice-powered firefighter asked. His fingers flexed nervously; I could see the struggle against the influence of the Whiteout in his eyes.
"Dost thou know this brute, Indomitable?" Archer felt obliged to add to the conversation. "If the knave doesn't lower his hands, I will be forced to thrash him." I did not hear the sounds of his bow unloading. That would have been a nice thing to hear and I was certain at this point in time that I would forever be denied nice things.
"Let's try this again," I said to both of them. "Both of you are going to put it back in your respective pants, lower your personal implement of destruction, shut up, and listen to me." I eyed both of them, doing nothing to mask my frustration with the ongoing nonsense. "Don't even speak, just nod if you understand me." A small part of me wanted to chalk this up to typical male posturing, but I knew it was reality itself twisting normally rational minds. I looked back and forth between them for a tense moment, then Extinguisher, followed by Archer, nodded and lowered his guard. Letting out a sigh, I stepped out from between the two Push Heroes.
"First, Extinguisher." I was trying to be careful not to use the nickname. Stepping on raw wounds and such. "My com got knocked out when I got jumped by that thing." I pointed at the Hog's corpse, still staked into the ground, partially freed from the net-arrow. "The Argent Archer here got sent to Atlanta to find a cell of Hogs. I know he's a Crusader but we've already had a long chat about that." I thumbed at his mangled shoulder plate. I glanced at the armored bowman.
"Archer. This is Extinguisher, who you may already know from your divine muckity-muck's stories." Archer nodded slowly but wisely kept silent. "He's the leader of the Atlanta Five and a good friend. Considering who you are, his concern was pretty justified, so stow the 'brute' and 'knave' crap. You're in our city, so act respectful to it's defenders." I folded my arms over my stomach, keeping my mangled forearm out of site. "Now, questions. Extinguisher?"
"Right, going to stick to the important stuff," Ex said, scratching at his short afro. I tried not to be amused at his twitching nose as he talked; he had just taken to the Push fashion trend of masks and I could tell it was itching his nose something fierce. "I see two dead people with wooden stakes in them, so ... vampires are a real thing?"
"Right. So our Downtown kidnapping case ...?"
"What about the Hogs?"
"Well, my good man, 't would seem that these nasty lads brought a cache of weapons down here with a surprise of a hidden creature," Archer answered for me. Ex seemed to bristle a little at the Crusader's interruption. I gave them both a look, then continued myself.
"Yes, though we don't know if they had any idea what they were carrying. It could have been a set-up of some kind." I shook my head at the thought. "Either way, the only real leads we have are related to the dead Hog's personal effects. Considering there had to be more than one of those jerks and we have only one accounted for -"
"- there's at least one more vampire terrorist, and at least one vampire who started it all?" It had only been two months we were ... whatever you want to call it ... but damn, he had picked up that knack for reading what I was saying.
"Right," I nodded, then looked at Archer. "Questions?"
"Wouldst Mi-er-thou wish me to explain in depth the scientific evidence to date?"
"Later," I said, glancing at the tunnel leading to the surface. "Like I said, first priority is to get out of here and get medical attention." Ex perked up at that, returning the hard look I had shot at him several times already.
"Indy, for Christ's sake, why didn't you say so when I first got down here?" he said as he approached my side. From the slight tense in his motion, I could tell he now saw the hole in my jacket and the blood
Sophie Kinsella, Madeleine Wickham