The Prophecy (Daughters of the People Series Book 1)

The Prophecy (Daughters of the People Series Book 1) Read Online Free PDF

Book: The Prophecy (Daughters of the People Series Book 1) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Lucy Varna
looting that had pushed Lund University, one of
the dig’s sponsors, to take protective measures.
    “What about the
burial Indigo reported?” Director Upton asked.
    “More than
promising, Director. The skeleton was female. She was buried with a spear and a
small cache of writing.”
    The creak of a chair
drifted over the line. “Fragments?”
    “Primarily, some
in remarkable condition. Dr. Terhune believes at least three separate written
languages are represented, but there could be more.”
    “I’d like to see
those myself, if it can be arranged.”
    “I’ll discuss
that with Dr. Lindberg tonight.”
    “Do that.” The
chair creaked again. “And Dr. Terhune?”
    Maya paused,
considered. “I can think of no one better suited to deal with these artifacts.”
    “You’ll make the
    “Tonight, if
    “I’ll look
forward to seeing you in a few days, then.”
    “One more thing,
Director.” Maya inhaled a deep, steadying breath. “The skeleton was wearing the
symbol of Marnan.”
    “The eye.” The
director breathed the word out, her voice soft and reverent. “I never thought
we’d find it again.”
    “None of us
    “Finally, we
have hope.” Rebecca laughed, the wondrous, brilliant laugh of someone
discovering light after years of living in darkness. “After all this time.”
    “Yes, Director,
I believe we do.”
    “There’s no
question then that this is a Daughter.” Another sigh, a slight creak. “Make the
arrangements, Maya. I’ll contact the Council of Seven immediately. They’ll want
a full report on your return.”
    They ended the
call not long after. Maya checked her watch again, wished briefly that Dierdre
wasn’t in school right then, and promised herself a call to her youngest
daughter after supper. Business before pleasure, she reminded herself, and left
her room in search of Dani.

Chapter Two
    James Terhune
sat at the bar of a hotel in Borgholm where the dig crew had gathered after
Maya had treated them all to a meal. He sipped a local brew and watched Dani
charm Olaf Lindberg’s wife, Helene. The young woman had latched on to the
elderly couple at dinner and appeared to be delighted with their company. The
three shared a love of old movies, something they’d discovered when Dani had
shared a childhood wish to be Audrey Hepburn when she grew up.
    Strange young woman,
that one. James couldn’t quite put his finger on what was off about her. On the
surface, she appeared to be a typical blonde co-ed, friendly, vapid, and
working toward a Mrs. degree. After observing her for a while, though, he
realized that the ditzy act was just that. Dani blended in wherever she went,
as at ease chatting with the students as she was discussing classic film stars
with the Lindbergs. She was astute, observant, and a lot more intelligent than
he’d first thought, and that surprised him. Usually, he was a better judge of
    His gaze drifted
to Maya, deep in conversation with Dr. Lindberg. Now, there was a
mystery and another woman he suspected possessed hidden depths. Maya Bellegarde
appeared to be no older than Dani, yet she commanded the respect of the other woman
with an ease hinting at a far greater depth of experience. Where Dani was a
sunflower basking in the warmth of the light, Maya was reserved and
occasionally somber. During dinner, she’d maneuvered the conversation with little
effort, directing it from topic to topic in order, it seemed, to achieve a
specific goal without saying much herself. He suspected that goal had something
to do with the anomalous burial, but her manipulation was so subtle, sometimes
he thought he’d imagined it.
    He also suspected
he was attracted to her, and that touched off an emotion he couldn’t quite pinpoint.
Concern? Dismay? He shrugged it off. She was an attractive woman. Ergo, it
wasn’t unusual for him, a red-blooded man in his prime, to be attracted to her.
    Maya smiled at
Dr. Lindberg, drawing the
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