The Princess of Sparta: Heroes of the Trojan War

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Book: The Princess of Sparta: Heroes of the Trojan War Read Online Free PDF
Author: Aria Cunningham
Tags: Historical Romance
glaring at him like a mastiff who caught the scent of another predator. “Such as?”
    “A quest.” Agamemnon spat the word out in eagerness. “Let the men prove their meddle, not by fighting each other, but in some noble pursuit. If the challenge is great enough, no one will deny the victor his right to Helen.”
    Agamemnon tried to hide the hunger in his voice, but it was hard. He desperately needed this opportunity. When Menelaus refused to travel to Sparta and participate in the courting games, Agamemnon almost sent his little brother to the whipping post. But Menelaus’ absence presented Agamemnon with a unique situation. By representing his brother’s claim, Agamemnon could compete with the other suitors without the stigma of being competition .
    Mycenae was the dominant trade force in the region, and Agamemnon already commanded more respect than any other king of the Hellas. But that was the respect of the purse, not of valor in the field. He needed a golden fleece, a divine quest, a regal cause to showcase his superiority. Only then would the headstrong princelings of Greece acknowledge his ascent to Overlord. Only then would he have an Empire to rival those of the Old World.
    Tyndareus laughed softly, his eyes never leaving Agamemnon’s face. “And who would lead this quest? How would we decide? No, Agamemnon, we would exchange one potential insult for another. I will not delay Helen’s wedding so needlessly.”
    Agamemnon grimaced. The wily old king could see right through him, and he was woefully reminded of the last time the two monarchs had met over similar desires.
    The barbarians along Mycenae’s border had swelled in number, a danger Agamemnon could no longer ignore. He wanted to ride forth with an army at his back, but no army was complete without Spartan soldiers. He came to Tyndareus seeking aid, and as his father by vow, he should have granted it.
    “I will not start a war to avoid a war.” Tyndareus had steadfastly refused. “Ares would never forgive it.” Agamemnon cursed Tyndareus and his superstitions. The Spartan’s piety might have gained the king great esteem throughout the mainland, but his devotion was peasant nonsense. The Gods did not care of the plight of man, however much the priests and priestesses claimed otherwise. It was an inconvenient truth in a world where prophecy and omens held as much influence as facts.
    “And what of Helen’s safety?” Agamemnon wielded his last weapon. “If there is no clear victor, she will forever be in danger. She will become the quest, the prize for proving one’s valor against a lesser king. You will doom her to a life of constant war.”
    Tyndareus mouth hung open, his will to deny betrayed by his love for his daughter. He had to see reason. Helen’s salvation lay in a union with a house no one would dare offend. A stronger union with Mycenae was Tyndareus’ best course.
    Agamemnon locked eyes with the Spartan, pouring a command to obey in that gaze. There is no way out, save through me .
    Tyndareus wilted into his throne. He was on the verge of surrender. The slump of his shoulders declared it louder than any words he could muster to protest. “I... I will consider your suggestion.”
    Agamemnon’s blood sang, thrilling in this hard-fought achievement. While these many suitors fought over Helen’s prestige, they did not see her true value. The princess was the key to Lacedaemonia. Tyndareus had no living sons. Helen’s husband could make a valid claim to his throne. And though Sparta boasted no great wealth, the king of this land could summon an army of incredible strength and courage. It would be better to display his dominance in a noble quest, but barring that, Agamemnon would take a Spartan army and make the realms pledge fealty by force.
    “Your Grace?” a herald called from the apex of the megaron. “King Odysseus is requesting an audience.”
    Agamemnon froze. What in Great Gaia was that man doing up at this hour? He
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