your profile up and check it from time to time. Eventually, you’ll find someone but you need to know that the good-looking men are in high demand. Finding someone with great looks and money is rare. It’s kind of like the holy grail.”
“I’ll have to think about it. But for now, I’m going to continue doing what I’m doing.” I said as I got up to grab my things.
“Where are you going?”
“Work. Some of us still have to do that…remember?”
“You wouldn’t have to go to that shitty job if you were willing to live a little.”
“I want to live a lot and I don’t mind making my own money. Would it be nice to find a man that was willing to do all of those things for me? Absolutely. But I just don’t feel good about this.”
Before I headed out of the door for work, I went to my laptop and updated my profile on the site. At the top of my profile in big bold letters I put, “If you are looking to pay me for sex, then don’t message me. I am not an escort.”
I saved it and felt a little better before I headed off to the hellhole that I called work.
I arrived at work a few minutes early and put on my apron.
“So where is your friend?” Georgia asked me.
“I don’t know.” I said.
“Don’t the two of you live together? I’m getting ready to fire her ass.”
“Well then just do it.” I exclaimed.
“Tell her that she doesn’t need to come back here.”
“You know what, somehow I don’t think she cares very much. You do what you have to do and please leave me out of it. I’m here and that’s all that matters.”
“I don’t know why you’re friends with her anyway. She seems like a really self-centered and stuck up girl. She doesn’t even have the decency to quit her job. Now that’s some childish and irresponsible shit. Does she know what kind of position that puts me in?”
“Don’t you mean what kind of position that puts your staff in? We’re the one that have to clock in extra hours, not you.”
“That’s even more of a reason for you to not like that bitch.”
“What is your problem today?” I asked. “Can you please not talk about her to me? If you want to fire her, fire her. I don’t want to talk or hear about it.”
“Watch yourself little girl or you’ll end up broke and needing a job, just like her.”
I shook my head, “You’re so clueless it’s funny. If she needed the money, don’t you think that she would be here? Have you ever considered that she found a better opportunity?”
“Her? With a joke of a high school education? The only option available to her is selling that pretty little ass of hers and jobs like this.”
I laughed, “That’s your problem with her? She’s too pretty for your taste?”
“I’m not intimidated by pretty women. I know that pretty doesn’t pay the bills unless you put a price tag on it.”
I groaned, “Just stop! I’m about to get ready to go out on the floor. If you need anything from me that pertains to my job then just let me know. I don’t want to gossip with you, and I don’t want to hear your rants.”
“Don’t forget to punch in on time. You have a bad habit of that.”
“But I do the work and I never ask you to cover for me.”
“I swear I just need people in here that will do their job. There are people who would kill to have the opportunity to work. The economy is horrible right now, so I’m going to need you to act like you’re grateful.”
“I’m here when I’m supposed to be and I do the work. If that’s not an expression of gratitude then I don’t know what is. I don’t have to put up with this harassment.”
“Just go do your job.”
I rolled my eyes and went to punch in. I couldn’t wait until I graduated so that I could get the hell out of that place. The jobs that pay the least treat you the worst and want the most. That’s some ironic