Author: Mallory Monroe
room right at that moment. 
     But she was attractive in a way that beggared description.  Her features were all African, especially her full lips and big, almond eyes with orbs as white as snow against pupils that were so deep brown that they seemed, at a distance, as black as coal.  Her eyelashes swung out and curved over so enticingly that they gave one of her eyes, her right eye, a sexy droopiness.  Her hair was styled in long, thin braids that swept down her back and looked simply divine to Dutch on her perfectly-formed, small head. 
     She had a strong look, a look that bespoke intelligence and confidence rather than coquettishness and frailty.  And she had a quiet, sweet sensuality that hovered over her like an aphrodisiac.  She, unlike anybody else he’d met in a long time, got his attention.
     To Gina Lansing, however, she had no clue she was getting his attention, but she was certain she was about to get his wrath when it was her turn to take the stage.  He was super calm, she thought, as she couldn’t help but take peeps at the man.  He sat elegantly on that stage in his expensive blue suit and tie, his long legs crossed, his intense, intelligent forest-green eyes focused away from the stage as each representative of each winning organization gave their prepared remarks. 
     She had to admit he was an impressive figure to behold, even better looking than she remembered him ten years ago.  His jet-black, silky straight hair was now worn slicked back into a Wall Street, severe, conservative cut, and his sharp-tailored suit made him look as if he knew he was King of the mountain, but also knew how to ride that throne.  On any other day, under any other circumstances, he would probably be an interesting person to get to know.  But she didn’t come here to get to know the President of the United States.  She came here to shame him into action.
     “Sure you still wanna do this?” LaLa leaned over and whispered in her ear.  She was seated beside Gina and was everything Gina was not: short, heavyset, and so down-to-earth that she could almost seem rude.
     “I’ve got to do it,” Gina whispered back.  “If he isn’t prepared to veto that appropriations bill, our doors will have to close, no ands, ifs, or buts about it.”
     “You don’t have to tell me that,” LaLa said, “I know all that.  But damn, girl,” LaLa added, looking Dutch up and down, “that white man fine.” 
     If you only knew how fine , Gina was almost tempted to say.  “Don’t be disrespectful,” she said instead.  “He’s the president, after all.”
     “A president who can’t take his eyes off of you.”
     Gina’s heart beat a little faster.  She had noticed it, too.  But it didn’t seem like a look of recognition or, as LaLa would suggest, attraction.  It just seemed like he was bored by the ceremony and needed somebody to observe. 
     Besides, LaLa was always convinced every man wanted Gina.  “That man is not thinking about me, okay?” she said to put an end to any wild speculations LaLa was known for.
     “Uh-hun, if you say so,” LaLa said, unconvinced.  Then she leaned over to Gina again.  “And what you mean ‘don’t be disrespectful?’  You’re the one planning to shame the man into action.  That ain’t disrespectful?”
     “Of course not,” Gina whispered back as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.  I pray not , she inwardly said.
     “And now,” said the Master-of-Ceremony, a tall, wiry man, “the next success story is the Newark, New Jersey-based Block by Block Raiders.  This organization began as the dream of a young one-time public defender who stayed in her hometown and sought to change the lives of troubled youth in her blighted urban neighborhood.  Since its’ inception five years ago, young gang members have quit the gang life and are now contributing members of
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