The Power of Three
control and pushed power into them. “Then let’s go.”
    The door opened without a sound, and she
looked quickly up and down the hallway. There was no sign of any
guards, and the alarms were silent. That would change, but they’d
have to deal with it.
    “ Go right .” He
tapped her shoulder and they set out, her hand trailing along the
wall, keeping contact with the power so that she could manipulate
it at will. “ Guard on the other side of
this door. I’ll get him. ”
    The door clicked open as they approached, and
the man leaning against it on the other side fell backward. Before
he even hit the ground Esca was on him. The snap of a broken neck
echoed in the silent hall. He took the guard’s weapons, and put him
behind the door before locking it again.
    “ Go.”
    Soreya didn’t need to be told twice. She set
off again, her heart pumping hard in her chest, her awareness split
between the delicate task of managing the facilities complex
security systems and the sheer physicality of the male beside
    “ Four guards approaching
down the left hallway. ”
    “ I’m blocking that
entrance. ”
    “ We need to turn at some
point. ”
    She pictured the map.
“ Two hallways
down .“
    He stiffened as the faint wail of
sirens permeated the hallway. “ What the
hell is that? ”
    “ Alarms going off in sector
one to draw them away from us .” She blinked at the
myriad of tasks requiring her attention in her mind. “I’m working on opening the last set of doors to
the exterior courtyard. If we get through those, we’re almost
clear. ”
    “ Go for
it. ”
    He locked and loaded the weapon and ran
alongside her, his breathing untroubled, his gaze ranging the
entire area. They turned left and kept running.
    “ Here. ”
    “ Get
down. ”
    She gasped as he shoved her to one side and
raised his weapon. The crack of the shot was loud in the enclosed
space and a single guard fell in front of her. When she scrambled
over the body, she almost fell and Esca grabbed her arm, hauling
her upright and onward.
    “ Can’t…silence these, but
I’ve set them all off to give us more
time. ”
    As he pushed the door open, the ear-splitting
wail of a siren pierced the night sky, swiftly followed by what
sounded like a thousand others. He kept hold of her elbow, guiding
her across the bleak ditch between the tall outer walls, boosting
her up and over the first and then the second. She fell on her
face, ate soft dirt and didn’t care.
    “ Where
now ?”
    “ Up toward the
mountains .”
    They started to climb. Below them the
compound was in chaos, lights flashing, sirens blaring and men
swarming all over like ants. Eventually, her breathing became as
ragged as the rocky landscape and she started to slow. He drew to a
halt and grinned down at her.
    “ Good work, Lang. That’s one hell of a
skill set you have there.”
    “ It’s the only reason the military
tolerates me.”
    He nodded, his expression once again all
business. “We have to keep moving. I’m pretty damn sure they’ll
regroup and come after us.”
    She followed behind him, aware of the threat
at her back and more than willing to use all her strength to get as
far away from the facility as possible. He took a circuitous path
but it was always up. The air around them grew colder and she had
to focus on her breathing.
    He stopped so suddenly she bumped into the
back of him. “We’ll rest here.”
    “ I can keep going, sir.”
    “ I can’t.” He limped over to an
overhanging rock, picked up a fallen tree branch and thrust it into
the shadows. “This will give us some shelter.”
    She followed him, her feet stumbling over the
fallen rocks and gravel and sank down beside him. He grimaced as
her knee collided with his thigh.
    “ Sorry, sir.”
    “ It’s Esca, and it’s okay. It’s an old
injury that doesn’t take well to the cold.”
    “ Perhaps we could try that healing
thing again.”
    “ We will once we’ve had some water and
a few rations.”
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