The Pleasure's All Mine

The Pleasure's All Mine Read Online Free PDF

Book: The Pleasure's All Mine Read Online Free PDF
Author: Naleighna Kai
Sim had done just enough to get by, but never enough to excel. Pierce, on the other hand, had taken his studies seriously. He kept his promise to his parents, completed four years, majoring in business and mass communications.
    After graduating, Pierce pursued a career in music journalism. Then a late-night call from his old college friend put the wheels in motion to get MEG up and going. As the company grew under Pierce’s hard work and expertise, so had the problems between the two young men, eventually causing Pierce to leave the company but not the music business.
    Pierce had returned to MEG almost two years ago with several platinum and gold albums to his credit. MEG, his heart, was in serious trouble and only a binding, legal contract detailing how and when the reins and total control would go to Pierce had lured him back from a position at Sony. Things hadn’t been the same since Pierce had decided that while they might be partners professionally, they would never again be close personally.
    Sim constantly blew off Pierce’s concerns regarding MEG. Pierce couldn’t afford such arrogance. Everything could be lost in the time it took to draw a single breath. The sudden death of his parents was proof of that. Right now, Vincent Stalbaum sat in prison serving a fifteen-to-twenty-year sentence for vehicular manslaughter in their deaths. That fact would make some feel vindicated. Pierce wasn’t one of them. If it meant he could have his parents back, he would let that drunk driver go free in a New York minute. No amount of wishing or money could bring about that miracle. And no amount of prayer could make Sim straighten up and fly right.
    Pierce and Steve reconnected just outside of the engineer’s booth. He saw Raven’s clutch under Steve’s arm and slid it out, remembering the woman it belonged to. “Mission accomplished, but I think you’re going to have a bigger problem on your hands.”
    “Why do you say that,” Pierce inquired, now itching to get back to the gorgeous woman he had left on the chaise.
    “That singer that’s all up on Simeon tonight is nothing but trouble.”
    “What else is new?”
    “She’s been sleeping with people to get music tracks, then sells them to other companies.”
    “I haven’t seen her around MEG before.”
    “Doesn’t mean that she’s not there when we’re taking care of other business.”
    Pierce threw a glance at the VIP section. Sim was pushing the woman’s face into his lap—right out in the open! “Damn. I swear that man’s middle name is stupidity.”
    Sim would never learn a much-needed lesson when it came to the opposite sex. His conquests weren’t without consequences—paternity suits, palimony suits, and suits over broken “verbal promises.” His escapades and recent choice of artists kept the legal department so busy, they were forced to hire a half dozen new attorneys, and it was putting a strain on MEG’s profits and creditability.
    If that wasn’t enough, a shooting incident at a downtown club had put Sim in line for some serious jail time and almost put a major dent in that god complex which he wore like a suit of armor. But a few eyewitnesses, bribes, and one world-class lawyer later, he had become a free man and was only momentarily humbled. It hadn’t taken Sim long to return to his normal, arrogant self and over-indulgent ways.
    The contract stating that Pierce was the COO, while Sim retained CEO status, would end in about a month from now. In the last year, MEG had lost several of their best artists because they didn’t think Pierce would stick around to guide their careers. Pierce had made one more attempt to turn things around by producing a reality television show to boost their image and gain new acts. It had worked wonders—temporarily. Sim, true to his character, was steadily digging holes in the process. When Sim finally turned the company over, MEG would be worth next to nothing. Unfortunately, that wasn’t what irked Pierce
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