The Phantom and the Psychic: A Paranormal Erotic Tale

The Phantom and the Psychic: A Paranormal Erotic Tale Read Online Free PDF

Book: The Phantom and the Psychic: A Paranormal Erotic Tale Read Online Free PDF
Author: Sophia Jones
their eyes what they hadn't put into words. 
    Then he stepped away from her , opened the door, and went inside.
    The second Dominic entered the room, an unholy wailing filled the air.  Alyssa's whole body recoiled with the shock of the penetrating sound.  Her ears felt like they were bleeding, sweat erupted from her skin, and even her teeth ached like the roots had been exposed. 
    Barely, just barely, she could make out the sound of Dominic's chanting.  It was Latin, she knew, though the m eaning of the words were lost to her.
    Thank God he's alive.   Well, perhaps not alive, but still present.  Some part of her had feared the evil would simply consume him, and he would cease to exist. 
    She fought agai nst the overpowering cacophony and stepped closer to the room's entrance.
    Looking inside, her worst fears were very nearly realized.  
    Dominic was fading.
    No longer solid, she could only see the vague outline of him, much like the first time his image had flared before her eyes when she'd stood before him naked.  Only this time he wasn't gaining power, but losing it. 
    Not Dominic.  It can't have him.
    She made a decision ... and stepped into the room.
    The pain of the noise became a hundred times worse.  Unseen forces pressed against her chest, constricting her heartbeat.  A h eavy, suffocating weight settled on her lungs, making it impossible to take her next breath.
    She didn't have much time.
    Dominic had feared he'd lost his faith.  What do I believe in?
    Through her haze of agony, the answer came.  Love.  I believe in love.
    Life was often hard an d hurtful, then death arrived, and anything beyond that was a frightening uncertainty.  But love was the balm to it all.  Really the purpose for everything, Alyssa believed.
    So she filled her mind with thoughts of her loved ones.  Her parents.  Her best friend.  Dominic.  She thought of the devotion between Mr. O'Toole and his wife.
    A n aura of soft white light enveloped her, and spread throughout the room.
    The noise ce ased.  Just stopped.
    Relief.  She took a gasping breath, then another.  The evil was gone.
    She stood in the middle of the room, ears still ringing from the onslaught they'd endured, and looked at Dominic standing before her ... looked into his lovely blue eyes, the eyes of a mere man.  The flames were gone.
    He was human.
    She threw herself into his strong arms.  No electrical charge.  No static shock.  And she wouldn't want it any other way.
    He looked at her, dazed.  "I ... I don't understand."
    Through teary laughter she managed a reply.  "Maybe you never actually died.  Maybe it sucked you into a different plane, one parallel to this one."
    It was a conversation for later.  Much later.
    Because she'd barely finished speaking when his desperate lips were on hers .  They tangled their bodies together, and she couldn't get close enough to his heat, to his hardness.  She would have climbed inside of him if she could have.
    She felt his lips cu rve into a smile against her mouth.  He leaned back just enough to speak.  "I've waited lifetimes for you, wench."
    Alyssa rolled her eyes at his outdated nonsense.  But she'd been waiting for him too.
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