before we come to blows. I can see that you are fuming. By the way, where is your sister at present?”
“She is seated with Lady Elizabeth and Dr Logan, and has been since shortly after you brought out supper. I am keeping my eye on her although not keeping her by my side.”
He looked over his shoulder and acknowledged the table of four comprising Mrs Courtice, Anna, his sister and Dr Logan. “Of course, I see her now.” He turned back to his conversation. “So, tell me about your good causes.”
Inhaling slowly Jane consciously took control of her anger and focused on his question. “My causes, as you call them, are a number of charities in which my father was involved until my mother’s death. Through them I met Mrs Courtice who, as you probably know, is a driving force in most of those organisations. Her energy is infectious. We wouldn’t achieve half that we do without her as the commanding officer.”
“What are those charities?” He looked attentively at her with his warm brown eyes.
Such an attractive man, despite his politics. Jane continued her explanation. “An orphanage, a home which takes in unmarried expectant and fallen women, and a mission for young women who come to London from the country alone and are therefore vulnerable to being taken advantage of.”
“How do you fund these charities? Just from donations?” Still he looked interested! Jane was used to seeing a glaze of boredom invade potential donors’ faces as she endeavoured to convince them to contribute.
“Oh no. We do rely on donations of course, but we also try to be self-sufficient through taking in work with which to train the young women while they wait for their baby’s births, so they can support themselves afterwards. Then we try to establish them in the community, often together so they can share accommodation costs and work from home doing needlework, laundry and so forth. Any that have an education we try to assist into governess or teaching positions, although that means they need to leave their offspring at the orphanage, which is heart-rendering for them. Several have recently established a day school for infant children in their neighbourhood. They have done quite well. We are very proud of their success and so glad that we were able to help them become self-sufficient.” Jane watched him closely for signs of waning interest but detected none.
“How did you contribute to that?”
Jane was surprised by his question that showed that he was considering what she was saying.
“By arranging and signing the lease on the house they use as the school and their home. A small capital injection is all that is usually needed.”
“Indeed Miss Brody you are doing very good works.” He smiled.
“Well, yes, but there is so much more to be done, so much poverty and distress in the world! If only women had the ability to earn a living in the same way that men do, but instead most employment opportunities are cut off from them. For a middle-class woman to take on work, unless it is as a companion or governess or school-mistress, is to lose her right to be called or treated as a lady. Is that fair or correct?”
“Perhaps not, but that is the way of the world.”
“That is exactly what needs to be changed.” Jane insisted. “And you can help us to do that Lord Dalton. You have the influence and power to do something about the inequalities that women face in this world.” “Women are the responsibility of their fathers and brothers.”
“They don’t all have fathers and brothers, and some have fathers and brothers who don’t care for them. Others have fathers and brothers you wouldn’t wish on your worst enemy, they are so violent and abusive. That is why they need equal rights to employment and education.”
“Of course you are right. But we can’t overturn the order of society for this minority of bad cases.”
“But is it a minority or is it the silent majority who clamour for opportunities?”