The Perfect Someday (A standalone novel ~ Book three in The Mathews Family)

The Perfect Someday (A standalone novel ~ Book three in The Mathews Family) Read Online Free PDF

Book: The Perfect Someday (A standalone novel ~ Book three in The Mathews Family) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Beverly Preston
    His pace quickened as the sun hung above the vast horizon of water daring to drop at any moment. Rounding the last corner, the trail dead ended straight into a rockslide preventing them from reaching the point.
    “Oh no !” Her eyes closed and shoulders dropped in frustration. Tracy felt Giovanni’s long fingers coasting down her shin. Her eyes flew open shoving at his shoulders, but he refused to budge. “Hey! What the—“
    He stood in front of her hinged at the waist, working the clasp of her heel. His triceps molded against the length of her thigh as he bent her leg at the knee. Glancing over his shoulder, Giovanni tossed her a gorgeous haughty grin, stifling any further complaints. Cradling her ankle, he slipped the heel from her foot. “What? Are you worried?” he teased.
    Teetering on her toes in the coarse sand, Tracy clung to his back, wine glasses in hand, for steadiness. He tapped her other calf, encouraging her to lift her foot.
    “ Well, yes.” Her heart pounded hard and fast. Worries regarding the perfect sunset seemed to take a backseat to not blurting out Yes, I haven’t had a man’s head near my thighs in far too long. “How are we gonna get to the point now?”
    He stood, crossing his palm over his chest as if she had just broke his heart. “Have a little faith.”
    Gently gripping her chin between his thumb and finger, Giovanni lifted her chin with a little jiggle. “If it were easy, all the tourists would take over—“ he paused keeping the identity a secret.
    “But the sun—“
    Giovanni curled a finger beneath the strap of her purse, removing it from her shoulder and lowering it to the ground beside her heels. He eased back into his jacket and retrieved the wine glasses, wafting his hand toward the imposing boulders. “I’ll be right back.”
    Bottle and glasses in one hand, he scaled the boulders with precision as if he’d done it a dozen times. Immobilized by the strain of his thighs, Tracy’s mouth hung open watching his long legs carry him to the top in a few long strides. When he crested the ridge and his gorgeous assets were out of sight, her mouth snapped shut and she swallowed. “Holy moly he’s hot.”
    Barefoot, she paced at the bottom of the rubble, nervously m assaging the lobe of her ear. Her lack of control completely out of character, but she was beginning not to care what was on the other side of the boulders or if she missed the sunset. Drawn to him like a magnet, she just wanted him to come back so she could soak in his gorgeous smile and sex appeal.
    He returned, descending partway down and extending his hand. “ No one is here. Take my hand.”
    She stared at his long fingers turned tan from sun. Without hesitation she placed her palm in his and began to climb.
    Nearing the top, s he peered down at their shoes on the ground below. “What about our things?”
    “ Leave them.” He laughed, deepening the lines near the edge of the narrow black metal surrounding his eyes. “That way no one will bother us. It’s a segnale…a sign, telling anyone who comes to go away. That this place is taken.”
    “I don’t t hink our shoes are going to prevent people from following us.”
    He assisted her through a crevasse and over the last boulder. “This place is e` il punto di partenza per gli amanti.”
    His Italian accent slipped over her like crushed velvet. Searching her mind for the translation, her brows tugged together tightly. Her mouth fell open in stupor. “You brought me to Lovers Point?”
    “Si`. ”
    Tracy’s thoughts turned sporadic, frustrated with herself for lowering her Italian man-whore guard. “Seriously? If you think—“
    “ I assume nothing,” he assured, cupping her jaw in his palms. “Now, close your eyes.”
    Her lips parted to ramble of f a list of concerns. First and foremost, that she wasn’t about to fall for his suave tactics. But when she looked up to complain, billowy clouds of grey lined by inky black
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