The Patchwork House

The Patchwork House Read Online Free PDF

Book: The Patchwork House Read Online Free PDF
Author: Richard Salter
the camera just as Derek was emerging from the kitchen.
    “Dad, you remember my old friend, Derek? Derek, say hi to Dad.”
    Derek waved awkwardly and ducked out of the shot.
    I spent the next hour going from room to room, taping each one and providing commentary and suggestions. By the time I got upstairs, the natural light was fading so I switched on the camera’s low-light filter. I was in the library upstairs when I heard the car return. I looked out of the window and saw Derek going out to meet the girls. He seemed talkative with them, not shy at all. As I watched, he even laughed at something Chloe said. If he’d been in the doghouse with his wife, he was out of it now. Their voices were muffled and I couldn’t make out words, but there was definitely more good humour. Was it just me he was pissed at? What the hell did I do?
    The car itself was right below the window. I had to peer downwards at quite an angle to see the back end of it. Now I couldn’t see the trio either, so I assumed they had returned to the house. The blip of the car’s alarm activation and the sound of the front door closing confirmed that. I finished filming in the library and told Dad I would be photographing many of the rarer books and getting them appraised, just in case there were any collectible first editions on the shelves that could make some bonus cash.
    I headed downstairs and into the kitchen, still filming.
    “Smile, everyone,” I said as I entered the kitchen.
    Beth turned around to welcome me and immediately ducked away, hiding her face.
    “Argh! Put that thing away.”
    “Don’t tell me you hate being filmed,” Chloe said.
    “Yep, Beth hates being on camera,” I said. “You’ll make an exception this weekend, right?”
    “Hell no.”
    Chloe shook her head. “If I was as pretty as you are, I’d go looking for cameras to take my picture,” she said.
    Beth smiled and let her guard down for a moment. “Aw, you’re sweet.”
    “How are the kids doing, Chloe?” I asked.
    “Oh just fine thanks. Mum’s got everything in hand so we can finally relax!”
    “Dinner is served,” Beth said. She opened two bags filled with Chinese takeaway. Another three bags of snacks and junk stood on the counter by the sink. Clearly we weren’t going to be hungry this weekend. Chloe opened cupboards until she found crockery and utensils, and pulled out enough for all of us.
    “Can we get some light in here please?” Beth asked as she opened containers and put spoons in them.
    Derek headed for the door. “I’ll get the lamps,” he said. It really was getting quite hard to see in here.
    I taped him leaving the room and then shut off the camera.
    “So, Chloe,” I asked, “just how much trouble is Derek in over the passports?”
    Chloe laughed. “None. Well, none anymore, not since we saw how amazing this place is.”
    “Better than Vegas?” I asked her.
    “Well we’re spending a lot less money, that’s for sure.”
    “I’m so glad you invited these guys,” Beth said, still hiding her face in case I started the camera up again.
    “Oh what? You can’t stand the thought of being alone in this house with me?”
    “Ugh, God no. You’re so dull.”
    Just for that I turned the camera back on, and then moved in closer to try to get a shot of her face. She held up a bag of nachos to block me. Derek came back with the lamps. He’d brought the chill with him it seemed. Beth hugged herself and Chloe zipped up her jacket.
    “That’s a heck of a draft you’ve let in,” Chloe commented as Derek turned on the first lamp. There was a momentary hiss of gas and the lamp fired into life.
    “One should be enough for now,” I said. “Let’s save the others for later.”
    Derek put down the lamp and we all grabbed stools. Beth spread the various dishes over the counter and I put away the camera, grabbed a plate and helped myself. The others dived in too.
    “Thank God for that,” Beth said. “I thought you were
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