The Paladins

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Book: The Paladins Read Online Free PDF
Author: James M. Ward
we’ll be fighting the entire population from now until Doomsday!”
    Reluctantly, the warriors squatted down and hid their weapons.
    Fortunately, no one manned the decks of the vessels around them, except a bored crewman who absently paced the deck of a huge war galleon, staring up at the battling beholders. They slipped stealthily among the darkened crafts and continued on their way.
    “So far, so good,” whispered Aleena. “We’re going to sail right past the city and go deeper into the cave complex by way of the Sargauth. Only a few dozen feet and we’ll leave Skullport behind and be in Undermountain.”
    “What are these things floating in the water?” asked Noph, grabbing a boat hook and pulling one nearer.
    “Noph, stop!” cried Aleena, a moment too late.
    An elvish skull bobbed within reach, thanks to Noph’s hook. As he recognized it, the boy recoiled with a yelp. Trandon ducked underneath the swinging boat hook with a disgruntled gasp as Noph stumbled back. The boat pitched sharply, precipitating a commotion of flailing arms and startled shouts among the rest of the passengers. Noph lost his balance and reeled backward, pivoting over the side of the boat as it rolled with his shifting weight. Harloon caught his lashing arm at the last moment and yanked it downward. Noph tumbled headlong into the bottom of the boat. A wave hissed through the party, as the vessel sloshed in the water and settled to rest again.
    “Chaos child!” spat Miltiades. “Control him, wizard.”
    Noph gasped.
    “Now what?” grumbled the elder paladin, turning to follow the boy’s line of sight.
    The elf skull had risen out of the bay and now hovered nearby on a cluster of white sparks. Able and the paladins instinctively lifted their holy symbols, but Aleena leaped forward and pressed down their arms.
    “Don’t do it! You have no idea what harm you could cause. Don’t move an inch! Remember, we’re trying to sail past this city.”
    The skull turned lazily in the air. More white sparks flared up within its eye sockets. It drifted to within inches of Noph’s face and stared at him for a long moment; he froze, wide-eyed, gaping back at it. The bony visage lingered a bit longer, then moved on to Harloon and calmly inspected each member of the party.
    At last, its scrutiny fell upon Kern. It wafted up and down his body, pausing to stare at his holy warhammer for a long time before drifting before his face.
    The pale jaw began to move, and they all heard a whispering voice. “This is a safe haven to all traders and customers,” the death’s-head told them. “Keep thy unwelcome weapons and thy uncivil tongues sheathed lest ye suffer my misery for all eternity.”
    Kern reacted without thinking. He reached out, placed his palm over the slimy dome of the skull, and invoked his divine healing powers. “Rest ancient one,” he intoned solemnly. The skull sighed with pleasure, crumbled to dust, and fluttered into the dark waters below.
    “Kern, no!” cried Aleena. Before the echo of her alarm bounced off the cavern walls, the water around them began to bubble frenetically. Hundreds of skulls boiled to the surface and surrounded the boat, just out of arm’s reach. Their eyeless sockets trained upon the heroes, stared balefully, and their whispering voices spoke in unison.
    “Tis forbidden to interfere with the watchers in the waters,” came the chilling tones. “Now thou shalt perform a service or pay with thy lives. Each must lend aid to a zombie of Skullport before leaving.”
    “Not likely!” Harloon retorted. Able blanched.
    “Oh yes you will!” said Aleena as she moved to the tiller and steered their vessel for the docks. “You don’t understand the nature of this port. If the skulls make a demand, you must obey or shadow monsters make you obey.”
    “We can deal with such creatures,” scoffed Kern.
    “But even if you beat them, more appear, and they keep on coming. Sooner or later, they’ll get to you. And
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