The Pack - Shadow Games
why normal humans seem to act a bit strange. The
crossover between our two worlds is at its strongest then."
    "So no moon, no magic?"
    "There is a faint trickle. Wolves can still
shift for instance. But for a vampire, it is not enough. If we are
still in your world when the sun comes out, we are cut off from
Thiea. It does not kill our bodies, but it poisons our souls.
Imagine what it would be like to suddenly go blind and deaf. To
lose all of your limbs. To lose your memories. To be... empty. That
is sun sickness. Death is kinder."
    "That sounds horrible."
    Calder took the glasses from my hands and
held them up. He stared into the dark lenses. "Aoife was a
shattered shell. And this man was laughing at her pain." Calder
closed his eyes and dropped the glasses back into my hands.
    When he opened his eyes again, they were the
kind pimento eyes that I was used to. "I don't remember killing
him. But his glasses flew off in the fight. They landed in Aoife's
lap. I don't know if she recognized me when I unchained her. She
didn't speak. She wouldn't look at me. But she handed me the
glasses before she passed out. I got her back home, but her heart
simply stopped a week later."
    "She meant something to you didn't she?"
    "She was my sister."
    Smooth Olivia. Real smooth.
    "I'm so sorry. I didn't know."
    "There is no way you could have known."
Calder smiled at me. "You remind me of her. Brave, headstrong."
    "Thank you," I said, unsure as to how I
should take his compliment.
    Calder reached for the glasses and I handed
them over. But instead of putting them away, he unfolded the golden
frames and slipped them back onto my face. "I was not lying when I
said they looked better on you."
    I blushed and looked out at the foreign
landscape ahead of us. The more I learned about Calder, the harder
it was to deny my attraction. "So, are we going to get going or
    "Would you still like to get your hair
    I nodded, then glanced down at my bare feet.
I wiggled my toes. "Any chance we could pick up some shoes as well?
I promise not to run away."
    Calder started off for town. "As you
    Hours later and I was actually enjoying
myself. I used to have dreams about going to another country to
soak up the sights, but now I was in another world altogether.
Nothing was familiar, but everything still seemed close enough to
normal that I didn't feel too out of place. The sky was blue and
the leaves on the trees were green, but the air itself seemed
filled with electricity.
    Good to his word, Calder took me to buy
shoes. Now I skipped around in beautiful sandals that matched the
dark green dress. We ate an early lunch and then it was off to the
enchanters where spells were woven into my hair. I opted for a less
extreme version of Calder's style. Instead of a full head of
magical hair, I went with highlights that shimmered and changed
colors, accenting my natural look.
    And the enchanter didn't stop there either.
When Calder and the wizened old vampire who enchanted my locks
started to talk in their own sing song language, she picked up
immediately that I couldn't understand a word they were saying. But
with a quick incantation, I could understand and speak their
language or any other that I wished. This world was amazing.
    After we left the enchanter, Calder turned us
back towards the castle.
    "Do we have to go back already?" I asked,
feeling like a child as I did so.
    Calder nodded as he glanced around. "We came
into town so you could be seen. Word will get back to the other
    I sighed as we started back. "Tell me about
    "Who? The vampire lords?"
    I nodded. "If they are trying to kill me, I
guess I should know who they are."
    Calder shook his head. "You would be wrong to
think so. They are not worth knowing." He gripped his sword handle
tightly. "Not beyond recognizing the danger they represent.
Besides, the Lords have armies to do their bidding. It would be
better if you knew of them."
    "Then tell me about
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