The One Awakened: Book 1 in The One Trilogy

The One Awakened: Book 1 in The One Trilogy Read Online Free PDF

Book: The One Awakened: Book 1 in The One Trilogy Read Online Free PDF
Author: Alexandra North
arriving tonight, is that I might actually bother to eat. It is so much better cooking for two adults. I’d forgotten how nice it is to cook for a man, even if it is only to heat-up a ready meal. Most men are rarely on a diet and tend to eat so heartily, it relaxes you into doing the same.
    I turn, just as I hear him bounding down the steps, his muscled body nimble, despite the three flights of stairs. It feels strange to have a man in the house again, or rather a man who is comfortable and knows his way around my home. Strange, but it’s also calming; I’d missed that, without even realising it.  
    Thank goodness I have such a good male friend. My female friends have been amazing but you can’t beat great male company. They just have a different type of energy about them and are great at helping around the house, with the crappy little jobs that most women don’t have the required gene (or inclination) in them, to perform. Sorry ladies if you’re good with tools, big ups to Girl-Power but unfortunately, I’m not one of those women - not that I won’t give anything a go at least once; but I know my limitations, and plumbing, changing tyres and picture hanging are on that list - to name but a few.“Hmm. Something smells good!”I smile brightly at his tanned watchful face. “Hope pizza suits, it’s all I have. Marks & Spencer’s though, so it should be up to your high worldly - wise standards.”He swats me on the behind, and laughs as I squeeze past him to get the trays and cutlery, catching a gorgeous whiff of vanilla and spice and heat. My bottom buzzes literally and not from the soft smack and I stop a second to compose myself. He’s only trying to lighten the mood.
    What is wrong with me? Get a grip! This is your mate.
    My phone springs to life on the counter between us; interrupting the tension but the second I hear the ringtone I freeze. Oh no I’m going to kill Colin. He’s been at my bloody phone… again. Me so horny by 2 Live Crew bounces out, loud and bold in the kitchen. My cheeks blush as I watch Seb’s eyebrows near his hairline…and his lips curl in a playful grin, as the words repeat over and over.  
    “ Oh me so horny, oh me so horny, oh me so horny - me love you long time.”
    Seriously, could the timing be any worse?
    “Nice ringtone Lu.”
    “I didn’t set it - someone’s been messing with my phone.”
    “Ok then - I believe you; many wouldn’t. Either that or you’re trying to tell me something.”
    I glance down at the screen and see Meg, my rather energetic and newish neighbour's, name - I click the hold button, desperate for the song to end; I’ll call her later and Colin was in deep doo-doo.
    Ignoring his continuing smirk, I change the subject fast. “I think this calls for a TV dinner, don’t you Mr. Silver?”“Sounds good to me. Then you can tell me all about what’s been going on and how it is that with everything you’ve been through, you look sexier than ever Lu!” Oh My! Sebastian’s always been a flirt but not really with me. Am I reading more into this? I really do need to have sex again… and soon. The dry spell is making me see things that aren’t there.  
    Yes, don’t be silly, it’s you. He would never be interested in you that way and why are you openly considering him?  
    We snuggle down on the sofa and just as I reach for my wine, my iPhone woofs at me, alerting me to an incoming text. It’s Meg… again.  
    It reads…

    Tried to call you - Just seen the hottest guy I’ve copped a look at in ages in the corner shop of all places. Then came home and saw him walking through your front door.
    Fuck me, he’s fit, you jammy bitch - Who is he? I demand to be introduced. Your gagging for it and very single mate. Hint Hint ;)

    I reply instantly, overcome by an unfamiliar and uncomfortable sensation, low in the pit of my stomach.

    It’s my friend Sebastian, from University; I’m sure I’ve mentioned him before.
    Having a night in but will
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