Right now you are inspired, motivated, and driven. You are at stage one, the S.P.E.E.D. stage. This is an exciting time, when your engine is turned on, when your plane taxis down the runway, and when it takes off to soar into the stratosphere.
You need this momentum. The energy you spend during this first stage will build the S.P.E.E.D. you require to reach success. This early stage is all about S etting goals, P lanning your attack, E nvisioning your journey, E xecuting your plan, and D elivering the results. The S.P.E.E.D. acronym is an easy way to remember this stage. It’s a method that simplifies your approach, intensifies your force, and sharpens your focus. So, start manifesting your dreams by creating a strong desire.
This chapter is for developing the internal rigor that will keep you moving toward your goal. Maintaining your motivation is the magic behind your long-term success. Will there be times of struggle? Yes. Will you make mistakes along the way? Certainly. Does anyone fail on this No More Excuses program? Absolutely not! This plan doesn’t start and end in three months; this is an attitude that will carry you far—the rest of your life. If you accept the setbacks as part of this process, you will not fail this time.
Imagine your best body. Think about how you want to feel, what you want to do, and where you want to go. Envision yourself confidently shopping for sleeveless tops or a form-fitting dress. Picture yourself walking down a beach, hiking up a mountain, or running a 10K. Really think about it. Fill your mind with longing for a life of accomplishments, for this incredible effort to build your best body.
Let’s get started—and let’s get there fast! I hear you when it comes to losing weight. It never seems to happen fast enough. And while on any program you will hit plateaus, deal with distractions, and have to bust some excuses, you will get to your goal faster if you use S.P.E.E.D. So, S.P.E.E.D. is a goal-setting model that you will use to effectively and efficiently target your short-term goals.
Too often, people set out to achieve a really ambitious goal without having a clear plan for how to do it. For instance, wanting to look great at an upcoming family event is a great motivator, but you need a strategy for living every day until you’ve achieved your goal. If you don’t break that goal into more manageable pieces, it’s going to become overwhelming and you’ll find it hard to stick to it.
That’s what is so amazing about S.P.E.E.D. It gives you a wayto focus on your overall process each day, so that you don’t get derailed by the little setbacks that are inevitable in life.
Here’s how it works!
SET THE GOAL. Are you competitive? Do you want to impress people? Do you want to look great for an upcoming event? Figure out what your motivation is and write it down as a specific short-term goal to set your sights on. It’s not enough to say you want to lose weight and eat healthier. You must desire, dream, and dedicate yourself to a specific goal, in a specific time period. A deadline creates a level of urgency that can motivate you to follow through, despite the challenges you will face aftersetting that goal.
For example, your goal could be to fit into your favorite pair of jeans, the jeans that have been sitting on the top shelf of your closet because they have been too snug for several years. Or perhaps your goal is to run a 10K race or to perform ten pull-ups. Whatever you choose, create a deadline of exactly three months from today. Write down your goal, and put it somewhere that you will see every day: on the refrigerator, above your computer screen, on the bathroom mirror—any place that will be a daily reminder.
PLAN THE ATTACK. A goodplan of action makes even the loftiest goals possible. Once you set your goal, work backward to plan your attack. For example, if you want to lose 25 pounds in three months, you need to lose 8 pounds each
Elizabeth A. Veatch, Crystal G. Smith