The Nightlife: London (Urban Fantasy Romance) (The Nightlife Series)
vampire to hunt.”  Jaw clenched,
she glared at Michelle and Aaron, then nodded.
    Ivan patted her on the shoulder and grinned at Aaron.  “So
what’s this I hear about Albanians?”
    * * * *

Chapter 5
    “All I need is a few minutes to talk to him.  A few
questions.”  Aaron sat in the chair across the table from Ivan, Michelle in a chair
at his side.  Katya’s apartment above the abandoned store front had a shoebox
for a dining room, complete with missing splotches of wall paper and a delightful
moldy smell beneath the wet dog aroma.
    Might have been a quaint little apartment once, like fifty
years ago.
    Ivan leaned forward to hold Aaron’s gaze.  “These people
don’t chitchat.  How you say in America?  Deep shit?  They have been in deep
shit since World War II.  The Allies did nothing for them.  Russia to one side
and China on the other, is like a sandwich.  They are fucked both ways.  The hard
life makes hard people.  Heroine flows through Albania like a river, straight
to the West.”  He gestured with his palm flat, sliding along like flowing water.
    Aaron rolled his eyes.  “Yeah, we get it.  They’re all bad-ass
drug dealers, and it’s a hard-knock life.  Yada, yada, yada.  Let’s just get in
there and forego the sob-story history of poor, forgotten Albania.  I only need
a few minutes to get in his head, and then I’m done.  I don’t need to chitchat. 
I don’t need him to say much of anything.  Get me in the room, I’ll ask the
questions, and I’ll have my answers.”
    “No matter to me if you get shot full of holes.  But when I’m
in the room, is different.  Your smart mouth will get my ass blown off.”  He
snapped his fingers.
    Aaron frowned, and then grinned.  “So you run the show.  You
ask the questions.  All I need is the mental triggers to get him thinking.”
    Ivan stroked his chin.  His gaze turned inward, pondering
the idea.  His bulk shifted as his head bobbed up and down.  “Okay, tomorrow I
go with you, under one condition – the ladies stay out of it.”
    Michelle growled low in her throat.  “I go where Aaron
    Aaron nodded to her.  He had to go with Michelle on this
one.  Their time in Paris had wrought fundamental changes in their relationship. 
She possessed a certain insecurity now, a fear of losing him.  He feared losing
her the same.  Michelle had died in his arms.  He couldn’t bear that loss
again.  Reunited, they had made a pact to never be separated again.
    Katya stood up from the other side of the table, her hand on
Ivan’s shoulder.  “I’m not letting you go alone.  Definitely not alone with
either of them.”  She pointed at Aaron and then Michelle.
    “Albanians don’t respect women.  You have no place in this
business.”  Ivan held Katya’s gaze with a you-know-I’m-right look.
    Katya pegged Ivan with a patronizing look.  “You forget, I
was in Kosovo, and Iraq.  I know these men, how dangerous they are.”
    “ Zvezda moya , you know I am right.  In their world,
women are for making babies.”
    “Fine!  But you’re not taking her either.”  Katya pointed at
    Michelle stared, unblinking at Aaron.  “I don’t have to be
in the room with you.”  Her eyes swung to Katya and Ivan, then back to him.  “I’ll
give you fifteen minutes.  And then I am coming for you.”  And heaven help
the fool that gets in her way .  Aaron knew too well the havoc and bloodshed
his vampire lover could unleash.  Michelle was the last enemy you’d ever make.
    * * * *
    Michelle didn’t want to waste another minute of the night. 
The moment they were alone, back in their hotel suite, she attacked the buttons
on Aaron’s dress shirt and slid her hands over his smooth, hard chest.  Not a
large man, but amazingly strong, and highly toned.  She loved the feel of his
flawless skin and tight muscles, especially when he pressed her down into the
bed.  She planned to spend the
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